If you somehow missed BioShock, BioShock 2 and BioShock Infinite they are all coming out soon in one remastered collection featuring some really impressive looking graphical updates you can see featured in the video embedded above. The trailer focuses more on the graphical updates to the original BioShock as I imagine there are few changes they made, if any, to BioShock Infinite.
As 2K mentioned before if you own any of the aforementioned games you will be able to upgrade on Steam for free on September 13th.
As 2K mentioned before if you own any of the aforementioned games you will be able to upgrade on Steam for free on September 13th.

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Oh man, watching the video brings up good memories of the first game. I never tried the sequels.
> I never tried the sequels.
I seriously recommend BioShock Infinite. Maybe it suffers some to the end compared the absolutely amazing pacing of the start to middle but I found the whole experience to be well worth it. The two DLC expansions were great too and they really seemed to just be a continuation of the story of Infinite anyway.
Bioshock 2 wasn't received well. The story is okay, but the gunplay was better than the first. Infinite found a great medium (I should hope so after the Dev hell it was in for so long). Personally, Infinite was my favorite. I love Booker and his story. I love the way they implemented everything and successfully incorporated the huge plot twist/reveal. I like how they ended it, and I loved how the DLC's tied the entire series together, back to the first game.
I might wait for the price to drop on the bundle. I know you are getting a lot for $59.99, but it still seems like a lot. Plus I have a ton of other games to play.
If you have them on PC you will get the upgrades for free, so that might help.
> I might wait for the price to drop on the bundle. I know you are getting a lot for $59.99, but it still seems like a lot. Plus I have a ton of other games to play.
Like Travis said, you get some amount of this free if you already own the games previously. PLUS the price for this will go down considerably over time, like with all games. I'm waiting on lots of games to drop price before I buy them. Pretty sure that's how i'll buy most of my games from here on out. Bundles or huge savings unless it's a game I need to have on launch which seems to be becoming less and less.
> Bundles or huge savings unless it's a game I need to have on launch which seems to be becoming less and less.
I am in the same boat. To me gaming has reached a point where a lot of games made today will still feel fresh tomorrow.
> ... a lot of games made today will still feel fresh tomorrow.
And more stable, etc. I bet by the time I get around to playing No Man's Sky mostly all the issues will be worked out
I finally actually checked out the comparison video. It's nothing groundbreaking but it's quite nice. Everything just looks a bit sharper and has better lighting. I imagine they're using the console footage on Bioshock for comparison. It looked lower res in the comparison video, but you could run it in 1080p on PC.
Still, I'm looking forward to seeing the shiny coat of paint!
This definitely makes me want to revisit the Bioshock universe! It'll be a good excuse to actually play through Bioshock 2.