Nintedo of America's Reggie Fils-Aimé was on Jimmy Fallon showing off the upcoming Super Mario Run on iOS as well as the new Breath of the Wild on the Nintendo Switch. Reggie dropped a few news nuggets in that we are getting a special Apple Store Super Mario Run demo December 8th as well as Nintendo releasing more information on the Nintendo switch January 12th. If we can download the Super Mario Run demo early by visiting an Apple Store I might do that just to try it a week early. Hopefully more details come out about that because if I can just play it in the store i'll just wait.
The switch looks great and even if it was just a couple minutes the transition from the TV to playing on the system was seamless.
The switch looks great and even if it was just a couple minutes the transition from the TV to playing on the system was seamless.

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That's an awesome video. I haven't actually watched Jimmy's show, so I didn't know he was such a gaming geek. It's awesome seeing his excitement and geekiness. It looks like he did pretty well in Mario Run.
I'm still not sold on the switch, but the more I see of Zelda, the more I want it!
Also, Super Mario Run looks great. I wish I could get a demo too. Has anyone tried it out today?
That would require having an Apple store within 250 miles. Otherwise I totally would have.
> Also, Super Mario Run looks great. I wish I could get a demo too. Has anyone tried it out today?
Apparently you can play it on a demo phone at the Apple Store, it's not something you can download to your phone. If I'm close to a store from now till then i'll let you all know what I think but it comes out next week too.
Yeah, I just tried using my wife's iphone to download the demo and was severely disappointed lol. I misread "download the Super Mario Run demo early by visiting an Apple Store" not as the physical store :)
I just read that Super Mario Run will always need an internet connection:
I wonder how long till they disable that?
I foresee SMR getting a bunch of negative reviews on the iTunes Store just for this reason.
Right. I'm nearly always on wifi but I do fly on occasion and it would be neat to play it when I do.
Jon, airplanes have the wifi. Pay up! Or pick a flight that has the wi and the fis. Just say "No" to planes that don't carry wifi.
Pay money?
Jon, you make a gazillion dollars being a software dev and all, you can afford airplane wifi.
> Jon, you make a gazillion dollars being a software dev and all, you can afford airplane wifi.
Yet I can not bring myself to do it.
Also, it's a good time to disconnect from the net anyway. I mean I am watching films on my phone the whole time, but still. No internet sometimes is good.
"No internet"
You mean "sleep," right?
No man, sleep is very good.
@Jon you could possibly find those airline wifi passwords with Google. :)
Why would s game that you pay a very premium price for (for a mobile game) require a connection? I get some leaderboard stuff, daily challenges, that kind of thing, but those are optional. In fact, all the free-to-play microtransaction-laden games I've played have let you play offline. That makes no sense.
And I literally give no games access to my mobile data (except for outliers like Pokémon Go that truly need it).
This decision is baffling at best.
They said in the article, it's because they don't control the hardware and want to prevent piracy. Good luck with that and the end run is kind of annoying.
Right, I know the reason, that doesn't make it less baffling. Android piracy is rampant, not so much on iOS.
On iOS, in order to pirate, you have to jailbreak your phone. So roughly 8% of iPhone users are even capable of pirating this game.
And then there's the extra barrier of actually figuring out how to download them.
And THEN there's the fact that people who know enough to pull all this off probably know enough to realize that malware is much harder to prevent on iOS when you've broken down all those barriers and it would be madness to try it.
They'd lose like 2% of sales, if that.
So ultimately what will happen is that the people who *do* pirate it will get the version that's been somehow patched to remove the online requirement, which will probably introduce other bugs, and these people will just think it's a buggy game.
It's a lose-lose for Nintendo.
Yeah. It's not good for sure. My guess is Nintendo will remove it at some point.
At least I hope so.
But yeah.
Phone DRM for a single player game? So strange.
I had my issues with $10 for an endless runner but I was going to anyway, because Mario on my phone.
But the two places I play mobile games most often (both of them are toilets) don't get service. So I don't even know if it's worth it. :/