Shadow Of Mordor launched in 2014 and i've heard it's one of the best open world Lord of the Rings games ever made. Game creator Monolith Productions just launched a 16 minute gameplay trailer to Shadow of Mordor's followup Shadow of War. Building on the dynamic story and quest system Shadow of War seems to kick things into overdrive and allow you an even more unique game experience. The options they allow in how you defeat strongholds are pretty incredible involving your soldiers, mind control and dragons.
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War will be launching on PS4, XBox One and PC on August 22nd but if you can't wait to get your Lord of the Rings on and haven't played the original Shadow of Mordor you can get the game of the year edition right now on Steam for $20.
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War will be launching on PS4, XBox One and PC on August 22nd but if you can't wait to get your Lord of the Rings on and haven't played the original Shadow of Mordor you can get the game of the year edition right now on Steam for $20.

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I played Shadow of Mordor and loved it. While it got a little repetitive I still enjoyed the whole play-through. This feels like a good successor, with a few new elements and lots of nostalgia. I really like the army approach with bases and areas of control. Looking forward to seeing more of this title.
As I live and breathe, Chowda still exists!
Careful Travis you sound like an 80 year old now.
Ha, that's fine. Someone has to sound like an 80 year old.