In 2015 YouTuber CirclMastr had a dream. Slowly... and I mean slowly... grind to level 99 with Cloud in Barrett in the first reactor in Final Fantasy VII. It's an impressive feat he captured over a recent Twitch stream you watch above as he finally hits level 99 in an hour long stream.

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Oh god why!?
I thought I was crazy to grind enough to learn Meteorain before leaving midgard! This is insane on another level.
What he said. I guess the answer is always "because you can." But damn.
47:12 "Life has no inherent purpose and things have no inherent meaning. It's up to us to assign meaning and create metaphor for our own lives and our own actions."
Alright, now I want to hear everyone's most insane gaming "accomplishment."
I got the highest ranking on every level and collected every single item in We Heart Katamari. I made spreadsheets. I hated those gray boxes where items should be!
When Beautiful Katamari came out for Xbox 360 all that practice paid off, by some measures of "paying off," because for about two weeks I had the highest score on the last level's leaderboard. But I never obsessed over it, or any other Katamari game, like We Heart Katamari
(interesting side note: don't use the less-than symbol in comments. Trying to make less-than-three hearts broke the comments!)
Well I did this:
But that's not insane crazy but it is pretty high I guess.
But Travis is the king of trophies and achievements and i've asked him to write a post about his Steam achievements, trophies and badges and talk about his most impressive ones for games like Terraria and others. Like seriously, I have nothing even close to the collection he has.
> 47:12 "Life has no inherent purpose and things have no inherent meaning. It's up to us to assign meaning and create metaphor for our own lives and our own actions."
I actually think that's really beautiful and something to really think about. I know not everyone would agree, but there is some courage in that kind of outlook because it means you are on the hook for your choices in a way other outlooks might not. Glad he found meaning here, I wouldn't maybe but I respect it even before I knew he had such a cool quotable viewpoint.
Hmmm... I already mentioned my grind for Meteorain. I beat Link to the Past using only one bottle, the least amount of hearts possible (only picking up hearts from bosses) and never upgrading my armor/tunic.
I was less successful in playing Ocarina of Time without a shield. There are certain parts of the game that require you to use one, so I'd have to equip it, use it where needed, then find a way to lose it since you can't completely unequip one manually.
The craziest thing I've tried to do was master all jobs in Final Fantasy Tactics as soon as the first random/repeatable battle opens up. I never made it, but I came closer than I'd like to admit.
> Hmmm... I already mentioned my grind for Meteorain.
That reminds me. Back in High School in FFIII/VI, for some reason, I wanted to grind up to 99 experience eggs and you can do that by betting a tonic and fighting up to the experience egg. Some quick googling found the old grind which was Tonic->Elixir->Rename Card->Marvel Shoes->Tintinabar->Exp. Egg.
Not really sure WHY I wanted to do it but I did it. Because, you know, we assign meaning to our lives.