StarCraft Remastered will launch on August 14th and is available for pre-order for $14.99 right now. Pre-purchased unlocks the unique command center skins Korhal Command Center, Aiur Nexus, and Char Hive. If you purchase StarCraft remastered you unlock a few things in StarCraft II, including Alexei Stukov as a co-op commander and three unique portraits.
StarCraft Remastered comes with the added bonus of being entirely playable via multiplayer with the free StarCraft Anthology released earlier this year. Is anyone planning on picking up as i'm curious if people want to get in a game of multiplayer afterward?
StarCraft Remastered comes with the added bonus of being entirely playable via multiplayer with the free StarCraft Anthology released earlier this year. Is anyone planning on picking up as i'm curious if people want to get in a game of multiplayer afterward?

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I'm thinking about it. I watched a video about it on YouTube last night. I remember enjoying SC when it first came out.
Interesting. One thing that's noteworthy on that pre-order page, it says "Starcraft Anthology required."
I guess it's an interface into that code, in a sense.
Yeah, it might be. Might be easier to mod out the UI than create seperate builds.
Got my preorder in.
Interesting article on how they made the StarCraft remaster