I recently read a review on Gizmodo about the NES30 Pro wireless controller by 8Bitdo and it looks fantastic. Heavily modeled after the original NES controller this looks to be aimed squarely at the retro and PC gamer community. The NES30 uses Bluetooth to connect Windows 7, 8, 10, Android, MacOS, Steam, Switch, Rasperry Pi, Wii, Wii U & PS3.
The action on the controller looks like the best of the NES and Super NES world with the analog thumbsticks styled similarly to the Gamecube / Dual Shock controllers. Gizmodo called the NES30 Pro "the best controller for the Switch" and from what I've seen, I don't find that hard to believe.
The action on the controller looks like the best of the NES and Super NES world with the analog thumbsticks styled similarly to the Gamecube / Dual Shock controllers. Gizmodo called the NES30 Pro "the best controller for the Switch" and from what I've seen, I don't find that hard to believe.

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Oooooohhhhhh. I want this. It would be perfect for modern retro games like Shovel Knight and Duck Tales Remastered. Modern D-pads don't get the love they deserve.
It may be worth waiting for the SNES30 Pro, though. The layout seems a bit more friendly.
This is the layout I mean: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DCOZPEhU0AA_Aij.jpg:large
The NES30 Pro has the shoulder buttons side by side instead of stacked.
That's cool. So the benefit is the dual shoulder buttons? Hmm might want to hold out for that one.
Well, they both have dual shoulder buttons, they are just next to each other instead of stacked.
It's not a deal breaker but my fingers already have the muscle memory to use them stacked and moving inward rather than down for L1 and R1 would take some getting used to.
Right. It would. That seems like that matter more in a traditional shooter and I have the XBox 360 PC controllers for that.
Yeah, for the games I'd play with this I doubt it would matter much.
I agree.
As long as the analog sticks feel good, this could be the perfect retro controller. Sexy!