The Super Nintendo Classic drops next week and i'm pretty excited about it. Even though i'm going to get my pre-order and immediately put it away to open for Christmas, it's still cool that it's coming. Most people that pre-ordered it won't be waiting until Christmas to play it so i'm really eager to read their reviews of the system... *ahem* Travis.
Nintendo has said stock will be increased so... it's possible you might be able to find them in stores September 29th. If you are planning on going to one opening day let me know, I think I will just to see how many people show up to get one.
Interviews With The Original SNES Game Developers
If you need to fill your face with more Super Nintendo themed glory you can head over to the Super Nintendo Classic page to read all the interviews with the SNES Classic game developers. The interviews cover Star Fox, Star Fox 2, F-Zero & Super Metroid and from the looks of it there will be three more to come.
Prima's Playing With Super Power Guide Got An UnBoxing Video
Prima made the guide for the NES Classic and if you love classic gaming Magazines and have a soft spot in your heart for Nintendo Power you really should check it out. I bought the softcover Playing with Power and it's a really special book that covers the origins of the NES and how the games evolved over time. Playing with Power only covers the Nintendo first party games on the NES Classic but if you didn't memorize the location of every item in Metroid it's pretty nice to have it all laid out in something made of dead trees.
Because the NES Classic book did well Prima is doing another for the SNES Classic and recently they released a unboxing video for it. Surprisingly the video has no audio, which is weird but manageable. The unboxing video is for the hardcover version which actually comes in a Super Nintendo Style box and the book looks like a Super Nintendo Game.
Nintendo has said stock will be increased so... it's possible you might be able to find them in stores September 29th. If you are planning on going to one opening day let me know, I think I will just to see how many people show up to get one.
Interviews With The Original SNES Game Developers
If you need to fill your face with more Super Nintendo themed glory you can head over to the Super Nintendo Classic page to read all the interviews with the SNES Classic game developers. The interviews cover Star Fox, Star Fox 2, F-Zero & Super Metroid and from the looks of it there will be three more to come.
Prima's Playing With Super Power Guide Got An UnBoxing Video
Prima made the guide for the NES Classic and if you love classic gaming Magazines and have a soft spot in your heart for Nintendo Power you really should check it out. I bought the softcover Playing with Power and it's a really special book that covers the origins of the NES and how the games evolved over time. Playing with Power only covers the Nintendo first party games on the NES Classic but if you didn't memorize the location of every item in Metroid it's pretty nice to have it all laid out in something made of dead trees.
Because the NES Classic book did well Prima is doing another for the SNES Classic and recently they released a unboxing video for it. Surprisingly the video has no audio, which is weird but manageable. The unboxing video is for the hardcover version which actually comes in a Super Nintendo Style box and the book looks like a Super Nintendo Game.

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I may try to get one at Toys R Us. We will see how long the line is if I get there an hour before opening.
Right. I guess if there is are angry villagers outside with pitchforks you could always come back later.
Wow, this snuck up on me. This month is flying! I can't wait to get my mitts on this thing.
> Wow, this snuck up on me. This month is flying! I can't wait to get my mitts on this thing.
Review when it does?
Will, check this:
Awesome. Hopefully I will be able the snag one.
TechCrunch initial impression
That TechCrunch first impression is such a tease! :D
Still super stoked. And yeah, I'll definitely do a review of it!
So the controllers have the same connector as the NES classic? If so, I think I will use my extension cord from the nes classic controllers on this (if I get one).
Man, it is super hard to pass on this! I want all these games, but I just don't think I'd play it much more than for a couple weeks and then forget about it (that's what happened to my NES Classic at least)
The controller connectors are the same and I plan on using my NES Classic extensions on it too!
Here are some numbers to what Best Buy stores are getting supply wise(so far, looks like a good amount):
I guess with the extension cords you could also use the Wii Classic controller too, which is handy. It's nice of them to standardize those connections across their systems.
I took Friday off from work, so I can hunt for a system. :)
Good luck Will!
I have Monday off so I’m hoping the Walmart preorders go out early. Doubtful though