Back in the 1986 Nintendo released the Nintendo Cereal System that was available for about three years before it was discontinued. It had two bags of cereal such as the separate Mario & Zelda bags. My favorite was the Zelda cereal and I only ate it a couple of time's at my cousin's house as my parents never let us get it. Looks like kids everywhere are getting another chance to eat Mario in cereal form because Nintendo is partnering with Kelloggs to bring us Super Mario Cereal. Not only will kids get to eat Mario but the box comes with a scannable Amiibo that allows you in game bonuses in Super Mario Odyssey such as gold coins and hearts.
Super Mario Cereal will be available in stores on December 11th and is this something you plan on buying? I plan on getting one making this the first Amiibo that I own.
Super Mario Cereal will be available in stores on December 11th and is this something you plan on buying? I plan on getting one making this the first Amiibo that I own.

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> I plan on getting one making this the first Amiibo that I own.
Same here. More than that cereal though, I want the ? block cookie jar pictured.
Just $30!
Thanks Adam, that’s awesome.
I thought the cereal was $30. :)
Ha! Sorry for not clarifying :)