OverClocked Remix is paying tribute the Final Fantasy 3 by running a Kick Starter for its latest remix efforts. Its a pretty slick offering as the final product will span 4 discs of material. The line-up of people producing tracks is pretty impressive with: Danny Baranowsky, Jimmy Hinson and more.

If you drop $50 you get a 4 disc deluxe packaging of the remix album delivered right to your door. Oh and did I mention its a limited 1,000 print?

As of the time I posted this they have exceeded their goal and have 751 limited CD's left to nab!


Happy Retro Tuesday!

vdogmr25 wrote on 07/11/2012 at 01:15am

Good stuff!

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 07/11/2012 at 01:16am

Yeah it really is! Final Fantasy 3/6 is awesome.

Azurephile   Super Member wrote on 01/24/2014 at 07:18am

Oh yes!

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 01/24/2014 at 07:38am

This album was completed and I recommend you pick it up Greg.


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