There is quite a bit one could say about the new Sonic the Hedgehog trailer but I want to focus my thoughts down to one basic thought. I love campy movies. Movies that are intentionally or unintentionally made with a nod and wink that revel in the underlying silliness of the premise can be some of the coolest theater experiences. The first trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog seems to hat tip to the fact that this movie is gonna dial the camp factor to 11. Also, I wasn't interested in this film until I saw Jim Carrey doing his "Ace Ventura but with a bit more restraint thing" and I absolutely love it. Perhaps I'm a soulless nostalgia zombie tethered always to the 90's. Or maybe I just love stuff that looks like fun. Jim has taken a bit of a break from acting recently and it didn't make sense to me why he decided to jump back in with this role but after seeing how much fun he's having on screen, I really get it.
I'm not sure I'm going to see this film in theaters but to be fair to myself, I might. This movie could be a horrible train-wreck or something quite different and at this point I'm not entire sure which it will be. That said, a film that has the audacity to make Gangsters Paradise it's first trailer featured song is brave and I for that alone it gets my respect.
I'm not sure I'm going to see this film in theaters but to be fair to myself, I might. This movie could be a horrible train-wreck or something quite different and at this point I'm not entire sure which it will be. That said, a film that has the audacity to make Gangsters Paradise it's first trailer featured song is brave and I for that alone it gets my respect.

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I think the problem with Sonic is that he looks like a mascot, or someone wearing a Sonic track suit. I can't get part how bad he looks in this.
But, the effects look like they'll be cool, and the sounds are perfect. Jim Carrey was my hero growing up, and he does have a lot of Ace vibes in this role, so maybe that'll eventually draw me in. My guess is this probably ends up on Netflix quickly, and I'll see it then.
Honestly I like campy movies and so-good-it's-bad movies so when this hits streaming services it may be worth a peek.
It's interesting though that a lot of people are saying that the saving grace of the trailer was Jim Carrey, and maybe he was, but the one thing holding me back from that is that Ace Ventura style Jim Carrey. Those movies are nails-on-a-chalkboard levels for me. I LOVE most of his work, and he's clearly a genius at what he does. Truman Show, Man on the Moon, The Majestic, he can play funny and heartfelt really well at the same time which can't be easy. And I loved Liar Liar, in college my roommate and I watched that like once a month. Even The Cable Guy which doesn't seem to be remembered well always gets laughs out of me. I guess at least the Ace movies aren't Me Myself and Irene which was just... ugh, I digress.
That said, Jon you described it as "with a bit more restraint" which may help. I much prefer Jim Carrey in this trailer than I did in the Ace movies so I'm optimistic for that part at least.
But yeah, I think this movie was made by fans based on some of the nods. When he goes down to slow-mo and makes a comment about his fitbit he has the pose that Sonic makes in the genesis games when you put the controller down for a while and he gets impatient with you.
So yeah I'm hoping for something fun and campy, or at least bad enough so that it's good again.
It actually looks kind of interesting. I love Jim Carrey, too, he's real funny.
Also wonder why they used "Gangstas Paradise" in the trailer, seems kind of odd.
> Also wonder why they used "Gangstas Paradise" in the trailer, seems kind of odd.
Cynic in me says because marketing for this is aiming __ALL__ of what this is on nostalgia aimed purely in the 90's. "Ohhh remember Sonic?" "Ohhh remember that Coolio song?" "Oh remember Jim Carrey?" "Oh remember Sega?"
Or maybe they just too a list of things you shouldn't do and did that. Frankly I thought the way the mixed the audio levels higher and lower based on what people said to be really distracting but then again this trailer blew up the Internet which seems like a wild success to me. Perhaps the genius of this trailer is in how bonkers it is, which anymore is a great way to get the word out.
That might sound like a take-down of the trailer, but it's not, just honestly looking at what it is or at least how it seemed to me. Also it worked, but I'm that kind of old person that this trailer seems aimed at.
Shit I'd give you money for that.
LOL Good point, Jon. It's funny because the other day I heard Vinny listening to that song and wondered why. Now I know, he was watching the trailer. He agrees w/ me on this, too, I don't know why Jim Carrey is Dr. Robotnic and funny like Ace Ventura. Dr. R isn't a funny character, but he is in the movie because of Jim Carrey of course. It's odd, still kinda cool though.
Looks like the power of a lot of fans complaining online has led to a design change:
That's great to hear!
Yeah, maybe. Not sure it would have meant anything for the box office and i'm not sure each person complaining means another ticket sold because they are addressing it.
What it might mean is the art team dying to make this happen in 5 or 6 months. I can see why the art team made Sonic that way, it sort of makes him human like and somewhat real-world practical. I've seen the fan renders of what they'd do and he has toothpick arms and legs. I get it why people are complaining, but it seems off to me. Like... Sonic seemed odd to me but I moved on.
I was fine w/ the Sonic in the trailer, but the internet really has done well to change him. Here's a pic. There may be more on this guy's Twitter account, I haven't looked too in depth.
Now I've seen a conspiracy that this was all simply brilliant marketing, and that they weren't planning on releasing the movie with Sonic like this, but they made him look like trash for the publicity. Whilst that's highly unlikely, I want to believe it ;)
> Now I've seen a conspiracy that this was all simply brilliant marketing, and that they weren't planning on releasing the movie with Sonic like this, but they made him look like trash for the publicity. Whilst that's highly unlikely, I want to believe it ;)
The redesigned one has been released! Check out the comparison:
Yeah it looks better. Well. Sonic looks better. The movie, eeehhhhhhhh... I don’t think I’ll see this one 😂
I might see this just out of appreciation to the studio for hearing our complaints and fixing it :)