Cool new Borderlands 2 trailer narrated by a new character, Sir Hammetlock. In this 7 minute video he gives an awesome run down of the new classes and some characters skills. A few new enemies are shown as well as some gun and grenade abilities.
This game looks epic!
Happy PAX day!
This game looks epic!
Happy PAX day!

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I came here to post this. If this video doesn't make you want Borderlands 2, I'm not sure you have a soul.
Soul present and accounted for!
Can't wait to get to play this. Hoping I will of course.
Me too, Sept 18th can't come soon enough.
If I happen to win this contest, ever need a co-op player? I'm more than willing to join. :)
Great idea! Problem is I pre-ordered it on PS3. Kind of lamented that for a long time.