Like @Adym, I too remember this game.
I pretty much always played as the Banker from Boston so I could buy a ton of bullets and shoot squirrels. One time a classmate and I shot a squirrel hunderds of times to see if the amount of squirrel meat in pounds would increase.
Sadly it did not. It was still only 2 pounds.
I pretty much always played as the Banker from Boston so I could buy a ton of bullets and shoot squirrels. One time a classmate and I shot a squirrel hunderds of times to see if the amount of squirrel meat in pounds would increase.
Sadly it did not. It was still only 2 pounds.

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That's totally unrealistic. If you shot a squirrel that many times, there'd be no meat left.
Totally. It's like No Man's Sky but worse.