The season finale of Game Shop is now upon us. This action packed episode is loaded up with Cyber Ninjas, Time Travel and lazer shootin' Digital Heads.
Looking forward to season 2.
Looking forward to season 2.

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Quite enjoyable. It would be a bit pretentious to complain about paradoxes in this wouldn't it ;)
No. That's totally geek-ceptible.
I liked how she was "I can't tell you about the future" and then immediately did. That's prob how that would work with most people and I generally don't like that mechanic in other shows/films.
How have I never seen this? It's on my IGN channel on Plex too. Dammit. Time to watch the whole first season.
:D It definitely opens up over the season to something really fun.
Yeah, Signal, be prepared for some slow moving at first, but the third episode (I think) it starts getting really good.