The Walking Dead, by Telltale games, is a point and click adventure game based on the comics by Robert Kirkman. The series on AMC is also based on the same comics as the game. The game follows a character named Lee Everett through the zombie apocalypse. You go through the game making extremely tough decisions for Lee that will later effect how others view you and even who lives or dies.
I picked this game up during the autumn sale on steam wanting to give it a try. This game completely blew me away, I'm so glad I bought it. My first playthrough took about 11 hours which I spaced out over about 3 days. The game's story is very well written and there are plenty of instances where the saying "Fight the dead, fear the living" comes into play. The game does a really good job of portraying the strains of an apocalypse on the everyday person from finding food and water to coping with the loss of loved ones. The game had a huge emotional impact on me. You learn to love the characters and watching them die invokes the worst of feelings. You also feel sorry for those who have lost the ones they love.
All in all, I would give this game a 10/10 cowbells. I am definitely going to be playing through it a few more times.
I picked this game up during the autumn sale on steam wanting to give it a try. This game completely blew me away, I'm so glad I bought it. My first playthrough took about 11 hours which I spaced out over about 3 days. The game's story is very well written and there are plenty of instances where the saying "Fight the dead, fear the living" comes into play. The game does a really good job of portraying the strains of an apocalypse on the everyday person from finding food and water to coping with the loss of loved ones. The game had a huge emotional impact on me. You learn to love the characters and watching them die invokes the worst of feelings. You also feel sorry for those who have lost the ones they love.
All in all, I would give this game a 10/10 cowbells. I am definitely going to be playing through it a few more times.

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Point and Click adventure games have never really grabbed me. I keep looking at The Walking Dead and thinking, maybe this is the one, but not picking it up. Kinda wish I had during the Autumn sale, but the Winter sale is just around the corner.
It's up for game of the year. I have two play throughs of episode 4 and 5 up. It is probably one of the year's best.
Working on my 2nd play through of the entire game right now. Just as amazing as the first. I love this game.
It's the one, Panickedthumb. It's the one. This game is going to be up for game of the year everywhere. It's that great.
I will pick this up this Holidays Steam Sale. Like the TV show ill start it when it's over ;)
And plus I have heard from everyone it is awesome. Plus the booth at PAX was epic!
Speaking of Game of the Year... Keep your lists in mind for CG game of the year coming late December!