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@ 7:00pm PDT
9:00pm PDT
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Diablo III
on Battlenet
Let's do the opposite of the last event. Five classes to choose from, four slots, everyone picks a class. To keep it interesting, lets shoot for a class you haven't played before if possible.
A few ground rules:
We can either do act 1 again, or we can get our characters leveled up beforehand to the end of Act 1 and take on Act 2 this time. That way someone can use the barbarian from the last event.
Also while I'm here-- please share your ideas for future D3 events. These are fun! I would love to do a Hardcore Demon Hunter run. Basically "lets see how far we can get before everyone dies."
Also, if these times don't work, let me know. I made this late because of the time zone differences, but since it's a Saturday we could go midday.
A few ground rules:
- No two people playing the same class
- This isn't a naked run, so equip whatever you want, and if you have some gear you've picked up from other characters that can help along the way, feel free to use it.
- Stick to the group as much as possible. I just found out today that there's a limited radius where the experience for kills counts for all players. http://i.imgur.com/bQfvz.jpg
We can either do act 1 again, or we can get our characters leveled up beforehand to the end of Act 1 and take on Act 2 this time. That way someone can use the barbarian from the last event.
Also while I'm here-- please share your ideas for future D3 events. These are fun! I would love to do a Hardcore Demon Hunter run. Basically "lets see how far we can get before everyone dies."
Also, if these times don't work, let me know. I made this late because of the time zone differences, but since it's a Saturday we could go midday.
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I'd like to do Witch Doctor, I could also do Wizard (my Wizard is barely existent at this point).
I pick ze Monk.
I am ok with starting again. Even if we must play the Spider level again :D
I've never done demon hunter or witch doctor, mostly because those both seem crazy complicated and death-y. My Monk is 60+9, my wizard is 44, and barb is...whatever it is after our last run. So I guess I'm a demon hunter, since Trav is doing witch doctor...?
Witch Doctors are fun. Haven't played as a Demon Hunter. And you don't HAVE to go pets with a WD. Well when you get enough skills to effectively choose.
After playing today with you guys for a few minutes I totally dug Travis Barb character. It was so decked out. Plus with your Wizard, it was like no contest for hellions.
Barb opens up a lot when you get whirlwind. It's so fun, if a bit overpowered. Some people call it spin-to-win. :)
It had been forever since I played my wizard, I'd completely forgotten how much fun it is (and how very smite-y)! My problem with the ranged characters in D3 is that my entire strategy is to run into the middle of a group of monsters and start punching. Great for Monk and Barbarian, less healthy for ranged characters. Tomorrow night may just end in my repeated death.
I have one of each character class, but nothing higher than level 22. I'll go with the flow, and pick something supportive :).
Ok so are we going Act 1 starting again or something else?
If so I have the Barb from the last event ready for Act 2.
A change of scenery would be nice, but I'm up for anything.
If we're doing act 2 we'll need to get our characters up to that point. Should only take a couple of hours, but let us know.
Diablo needs a level sync like some MMO's have so you don't have to worry about that crap! :)
Since no one else will decide then lets do act I again with fresh characters.
Oh and I still get Monk.
My status is pending. Transformer blew just down the road and the whole block is without power. I'll keep you posted.
Damn. Hoping for the best.
Maybe I can get it running on my iPhone...
Yeah totally, let me know how that works out. Its just a point and click game anyway, prob work with touch.
Still nothing :(
We are now fully operational!
Sweet. Be there soon.
that was a lot of fun! Thanks everyone :)
so glad you implemented the event system!!
Glad you got your power back on! :)
So next week, Act 2, whatever class you want?
I'm totally down!
Sounds good Travis. And im glad i made it too :D
I'm game! Trav and I were just talking about it, I think we're going to try to get me a witch doctor through Act I tomorrow--that's the only class I haven't played yet.
Vaguely related: We decided to speed-run the whole game after we finished inferno this afternoon and there are achievements for clearing each act in under 1 hour. Running level 60 monks through on normal difficulty is more fun than you might think! :)
It's a whole new way of playing the game. Trying to dodge enemies is a whole different feel than fighting them. But just blasting through an act in like 40 minutes or less is fun.
It's also amusing when they attack you and just explode. I don't know why, I don't even have thorns damage. They just explode. The Butcher even.
That sounds awesome and id totally be down to watch that(don't quite have a level 60 yet).
When you guys do that, can you like... screen record it?
We just finished, actually. But this is about what it's like:
Next event!