This event is over
@ 6:00pm PDT
9:00pm PDT
3 spots left
Diablo III
on Battlenet
So who's up for more? :) With the earlier start time, we might even be able to get through Act 4.
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I am not sure, I want to, ill join if I can lock in to this one.
I vote if we can't get the whole crew together we wait, unless you're cool with soloing an act or two between this event and the next.
I think id rather not solo an event if I can help it.
Scrypt, if Jon can't show what do you think about a hardcore MP3-or-so Demon Hunter last man standing? :)
I'm thinkin' I might totally be down for that :)
Okay, so, I kinda have, with a girl, and everything. So, I'm not going to be able to make it. I hate to bail, because I really want to progress in this game. I'll be home all day on Sunday, if there is a chance of hooking up then. I'm sorry, Travis!!
Hey man, listen. Some things are more important than Diablo. This is one of those things.
Thats awesome. Find out if she plays Diablo! :D
You guys up for tomorrow night?
I think I can do that.
I'm available. Female free.
Argh. I had something on the calendar already. A High School Graduation party for a friend.
Sorry yo.
Sunday im good though
Cool, I'm off Monday so Sunday should work if we do it at the same time this one was planned. Scrypt?
Sunday works. I'm in.
Event added!