Today, GOG is rolling out a new feature that will definitely make its platform more useful to many, including myself.
The premise is simple: Connect your Steam account to your GOG account, and any supported games that you have on Steam will be unlocked on your GOG library.
Naturally, this depends on various publisher agreements and things like that, so it won't just unlock everything you have. But the list of supported games will change over time and more games will unlock.
It looks like this process will more than double the size of my GOG library, but they're having some technical issues at the moment, I imagine because of everyone hitting them hard after the announcement.
Just a caveat for those who have multiple Steam accounts-- you can only do this with one Steam account, and the process is permanent. So choose wisely!
The premise is simple: Connect your Steam account to your GOG account, and any supported games that you have on Steam will be unlocked on your GOG library.
Naturally, this depends on various publisher agreements and things like that, so it won't just unlock everything you have. But the list of supported games will change over time and more games will unlock.
It looks like this process will more than double the size of my GOG library, but they're having some technical issues at the moment, I imagine because of everyone hitting them hard after the announcement.
Just a caveat for those who have multiple Steam accounts-- you can only do this with one Steam account, and the process is permanent. So choose wisely!

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I'm not familiar with GOG (I have too many games on Steam lol). What's the benefit to linking a Steam account with GOG?
This is awesome! The "why buy more than once" seems to be the growing focus for days soon to come. Microsoft and Sony (not cooperatively) are hinting at embracing that philosophy going forward with more rapid, cohesive hardware iterations, ditching the generational cycle. Having a consistent Xbox OS, or PS OS, could make it much more appealing for consumers to stay loyal to a gaming environment, if their games would last longer than a specific systems lifespan, or, as in this case with GOG/Steam, make it more appealing to invest in more than one environment.
@AdamPFarnsworth, GOG provides great bonus content with game purchases, sometimes including such things as PDF game manuals, avatars, soundtracks, wallpapers, dev diaries, reference cards, maps, etc. #4 on the GOG Connect FAQ answers "is there a difference in games" with: "Importing your game will get you the complete release – just as if you had bought it normally." I presume this to mean the bonus content would unlock as well, just as if you purchased the game through GOG.
Oh wow, well that sounds great!
Also for more info Adam-- it's all DRM free at GOG. The client is totally optional.
GOG used to stand for Good Old Games, their focus was on packaging old games in such a way that they would work on modern hardware, but they've expanded significantly.
Alright! Didn't know what to do with GOG, thanks for clearing this up!
> The "why buy more than once" seems to be the growing focus for days soon to come. Microsoft and Sony (not cooperatively) are hinting at embracing that philosophy going forward with more rapid, cohesive hardware iterations, ditching the generational cycle. Having a consistent Xbox OS, or PS OS, could make it much more appealing for consumers to stay loyal to a gaming environment, if their games would last longer than a specific systems lifespan, or, as in this case with GOG/Steam, make it more appealing to invest in more than one environment.
I really hope it's the mantra moving forward. If my PS3 games worked on PS4 i'd prob have purchased one as it's a great media player beyond the game part which is what I used my PS3 for before it died.
It may require some patience...
Due to exceedingly high demand this may take up to several days, please check back later. Thank you for your patience."
I got that message and this morning my account was processed and I had 12 games I could access in GOG. Nice to be able to have access to Unreal Tournament DRM free... But I already have it on CD so it's nice to have another DRM free backup copy
It's not DRM free if it's on CD is it? I can remember having to do some cd key hack thing once.
Looks like they just added Surgeon Simulator today, and I was able to snag it without issue.
UT GOTY just had a CD check and no key. I guess that's a form of DRM but I guess since it's easy to bypass I don't really consider it. But yeah, this GOG version strips that away, which is nice.
Yeah CD checks are one of the old timer DRM schemes. Some of them were hard to crack. And then ever time you updated you had to go download a new one. Such a hassle. :D