Travis gives this an astounding "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
Travis gives this a "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
Hey everyone, we’d like to share an awesome new feature on Cheerful Ghost. You may have heard us using the Ghost Scale in our reviews on Cheerful Ghost Radio over the past couple of months, and now you can use the Ghost Scale on your reviews here!
When you’re creating or editing a post, just check “This is a game review” to show options for the Ghost Scale. You can give your game review one of four ratings that will show on the post:
I'm giving this post a rating so you can see what it looks like.
We’ve spent a few months baking this from the initial concept to launch and we’re excited to bring game reviews to Cheerful Ghost. As with everything we’re open to small tweaks along the way so please let us know you feedback and feel free to head back to past posts and add your Ghost Scale review to them!
When you’re creating or editing a post, just check “This is a game review” to show options for the Ghost Scale. You can give your game review one of four ratings that will show on the post:
Skip it :
Whether due to bugs or other issues, people may have a hard time finding fun in this game. -
Meh… :
It’s not amazing, it’s not bad. This game is ok but you may want to choose another title. -
Rad :
This is a fun game, with very few bugs or gameplay issues, and is well worth your time. -
Must Play! :
This game achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
I'm giving this post a rating so you can see what it looks like.
We’ve spent a few months baking this from the initial concept to launch and we’re excited to bring game reviews to Cheerful Ghost. As with everything we’re open to small tweaks along the way so please let us know you feedback and feel free to head back to past posts and add your Ghost Scale review to them!

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Cool! Thanks guys!
Yeah, this was fun to work on with Travis. He did the front end UI and I wrote the backend Rails code.
If anyone adds Ghost Scale reviews to their old review posts drops some links here.
I added some scores!
My only issue is that I prefer a 5 point scale, instead of 4. That way you have bad, lean bad, ok/neutral, lean good, and good (or great). So, I feel as there's no middle ground, which eliminates a comfort zone. (Rad due to issues) (Must Play!)
> My only issue is that I prefer a 5 point scale, instead of 4. That way you have bad, lean bad, ok/neutral, lean good, and good (or great). So, I feel as there's no middle ground, which eliminates a comfort zone.
With respect, that's totally as intended.
My thinking is that The Ghost Scale takes the typical thumbs up or down vote and gives it a bit more nuance. Plus since there is no middle ground you have to break in a particular direction. Personally I really want to know which direction someone leans and think that it's good to nudge people to choose. I'm not sure we got the wording right entirely for each of the 4 scale items because it's hard to make something fun yet easy to understand. That said, I think it's a good first pass and if people really think that a neutral review is useful we can look at that.
ALSO, I consider meh to be somewhat neutral. It breaks a bit negative but the scale isn't actually designed to be negative, just give someone an understanding of where you stand in a Cheerful Ghost "standard" way.
We went back and forth on that on how many to include and what to call them.
Five options would make it feel like a five point scale which we didn’t want. At that point it just feels like a number by a different name.
And when you see some outlets talking about a game they gave a 3, saying it’s an ok game, and then talking about a broken game they awarded a 2, it’s clear that the numbers don’t necessarily mean anything.
If you want a middle-of-the-road option, you can think of “meh...” filling that role for the most part.
Heh, Looks like Jon already covered my previous answer before I had a chance to send it.
I understand.
I understand. I think in part I feel this way because of FFXV. It doesn't feel like an incredibly great game, I mean I don't love it as much as I loved FFX and before. It's still not a bad game. I kind of feel like it deserves a more ok rating than "meh" yet at the same time I kind of feel "meh" about it. Although sometimes I feel like I'm enjoying it.
I may go back through some of my posts, in which I wrote a review for, and rate them. I may edit my ratings, too.
But thanks for the new feature and telling me how you came to the scale. :)
Added Ghost Scale reviews to a few things myself: