The Paragon system... It's official!
This looks incredible. 100 extra experience bars to fill, giving you awesome bonuses the whole way.
It isn't *just* experience, apparently. It looks like you get some boosts to your core stats along the way as well!
By the time you hit Paragon level 100, you will have reached the maximum Gold/Magic Find available, and GF/MF gear won't matter.
This looks incredible. 100 extra experience bars to fill, giving you awesome bonuses the whole way.
It isn't *just* experience, apparently. It looks like you get some boosts to your core stats along the way as well!
By the time you hit Paragon level 100, you will have reached the maximum Gold/Magic Find available, and GF/MF gear won't matter.

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This is an interesting idea. Give people more levels to hit after 60 and some added benefit to that progression.
Kind of wondered given Jay Wilson's recent flap if he would say anything, looks like not :)
oki, so 1.0.4 really will get me playing again... :)
Yep. Me too.