You read that correctly. A new 8-bit Mega Man game that pits our blue hero against the characters from Street Fighter.
It drops Dec 17 on PC, FOR FREE, in celebration of both franchises' 25th anniversary.
I feel like I should say more but at this point you should probably just drool over the video. Enjoy!
It drops Dec 17 on PC, FOR FREE, in celebration of both franchises' 25th anniversary.
I feel like I should say more but at this point you should probably just drool over the video. Enjoy!

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I had to check on this, not because I didn't believe you but because ... I don't I just had to read more about this.
A unique paring for sure!
I've been doing some digging as well. It appears this is a fan-made game that got Capcom's blessing and they're also doing promotion and distribution. So official, yet not. This is awesome of Capcom.
Yeah, it is. Good on Capcom!
Dude! So rad!
This is pretty awesome. A lot of companies would have just slapped the fan made game with a take down notice, but Capcom has done something awesome instead. And after the whole on-disc DLC thing, they can really use the good publicity. Good job Capcom!
As for the game, I will definitely be checking this out. I gotta get a controller for my PC now!