The chances I pick this deluxe version up and VERY high and if I do, ill let you know how it turns out. If you are interested in what comes with the deluxe USB release for $19.95:
* 8GB Mega Buster USB stick
* Mega Man #1~4 (Digital Comic Book)
* Mega Man Tribute Art Book (Digital)
* Mega Man X Complete Works (Digital)
* Street Fighter X Mega Man soundtrack (via A_Rival)
* SFxMM Wallpapers (Originally posted on Unity)
* Quick link to SFxMM game (in case you somehow don't...

It isn't coming, it's already here!
I think it was released late last year. It's pretty fun.
Yeah, Dec 17:
Oh snap, WELL the USB deluxe is going up for sale next week :D
Have you guys played the game? I think it is categorically TOO TOUGH. This USB drive looks really awesome though.
I haven't yet but I just downloaded it and its on my list of stuff to play.
It's a great idea and lots of love went into it.
It's Mega Man, so it's definitely too tough. I enjoyed it but not as much as the main series.
I say that as if I had completed it. I haven't, because of its toughness. There's only so much I can take. :)
It's waaaay tougher than any of the cannon Mega-Men, or even 9 or 10. Enemies respawn way too frequently. It's a game balance thing that's pretty broken.
It took me three months of busting my ass to beat Street Fighter x Mega Man (most of it on stream too, which was embarassing) but it was worth it. Megaman was probably my favorite franchise and they did it faithful. Also, I'm buying the living shit out of this megabuster.