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@ 7:00pm PST
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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
on Switch
I will be getting a Switch on Day 1. Jon and I were thinking about bringing it to a bar, where people can stop by and give it a try. Breath of the Wild and 1 2 Switch will be on hand to play.
Will be holding this at The Original Taco House:
3550 SE Powell Blvd
Portland, OR
Come have a drink, some tacos and play some switch.
Will be holding this at The Original Taco House:
3550 SE Powell Blvd
Portland, OR
Come have a drink, some tacos and play some switch.
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Dude, I am *there*!
Wherever there is. Will, since you'll be the one with the Switch, I suggest we go to somewhere convenient to you (obviously). But I don't know where that would be.
I am game for anywhere in the Portland metro area that would be a good environment for a meetup. I don't go to a lot of bars, so I don't have any ideas off the top of my head.
I'm partial to the Original Taco House. They host Hearthstone meetups/contests there, so they would likely be cool with us playing the Switch there. And the tacos are good :)
Mmm tacos. I am down for that place.
Yep let's do it there, I love that place.
The event has been updated with The Original Taco House.
Reason #65 on why you shouldn't eat my games while at the Taco House: http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/03/02/nintendo-switch-cartridges-taste-terrible
Can you please come up with a list of the previous 64 reasons? :D
Switch!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BRMl7x-lI4L/
Sweet! My son is playing Breath of the Wild on the Wii U right now.
Is your son enjoying it GregoPeck?
Yeah, he's pretty excited about it. We have the Wolf Link and regular Link Amiibos, so now he has Wolf Link in his game. Are you enjoying the Switch?
Yeah, the switch has been cool so far! I have noticed some slowdown in Zelda, but I was expecting that based on reviews. It is nice to be able to play on my tv, or around my house.
Vinny turns 13 this month, so I told him this is an early birthday present. He didn't know about the Wolf Link Amiibo feature.
Slowdown docked or undocked?
It was while docked. Haven't played in much undocked at this point.
Framerate issues while docked? That sounds bad. Maybe they will have a patch for that. I'm interested in the differences between the two versions. Vinny started playing on the TV, but he's since move to playing on the game pad. I'm looking forward to playing it, but I'm not sure when I will get to it.
Yeah, they were at the start of the great plateau when rotating the camera.
Interesting video on docked vs undocked zelda here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpqaTdflkNU
I found a video showing the Wii U and Switch versions of the game. I think the difference is difficult to see, maybe I just don't have the eyes for it. https://youtu.be/eUSKTp_uvHQ
The resolution is the most obvious difference. For me, 1080p to 1440p is sometimes hard to distinguish but that jump from 720p to 900p between the WiiU and Switch is a nice boost.
I have found out that I suck at hunting.
Boogie2998 had a pretty good review of the Switch. Apparently he is a bit too negative for Nintendo though, so his review is of a Switch he bought himself.
Odd. I don't consider Boogie that negative but Francis is
Speaking of Boogie, his funeral for the WiiU is pretty good. Not the usual amount of funny but it has a good payoff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2PcAsMTBzg
Heh. I saw that and thought it was fun too.
So Adam and I were talking and thinking of seeing Logan after the meetup. If you want to come see the film let us know, it looks kickass and should get an award for best use of a Johnny Cash cover.
It is good.
I agree with Will_Ball.
I propose we go to Regal Cinemas Division Street 13, there are showtimes for Logan at 9:00pm and 10:00pm, after we're done with the Switch and tacos :)
Tomorrow is the day! Is everybody on this list going to make it? Is anybody going to bring any guests?
I will definitely be there :)
Yep. I may have one other person join us depending on if he can make it in time.
My brother is going to join us as well :)
To save everyone from tasting my carts tonight, I just tasted mine, and they don't taste good.
Biggest disappointment of the year.
Can't have a group kart tasting tonight.
Sometimes life just hits you with a gut punch that smarts a bit more than the others.
I'm still going to try and sneak a lick
> I'm still going to try and sneak a lick
I will be keeping an eye on you Adam.
It was good seeing you Jon & Adam! We should do this again some time!
Yeah, we should. Thanks for bringing the Switch Will!
So what did you all think about the Switch? Did playing around with it convince you to get one or are you going to wait or pass on it? I'm going to wait for now. I did see something about a new Smash Bros. game for the Switch...
It was great hanging out, thank you Will!
I don't know when, but I'd say there's a 90% chance I get a Switch now. It was amazing!
> So what did you all think about the Switch?
It's a cool system. Feels good in the hand it's much larger than I thought it would be, which I like. It feels like a proper tablet and the touch is just as responsive as everything else i've used (iPad, whatever else). The only thing I didn't love was the Switch Operating System. It was fine, but it wasn't as fun or even as useful as the Wii, Wii U or 3DS. It launches games just fine but it's missing any kind of "Nintendo charm." That said, it gets out of the way and isn't busy, which is a nice bonus.
> Did playing around with it convince you to get one or are you going to wait or pass on it? I'm going to wait for now.
I'd say it make me want to pick one up a bit less. Don't get me wrong, the Switch is great and i'm going to get one I just don't think i'm as interested as I was. Zelda Breath of the Wild is good but it didn't blow my mind out my ass like I thought it would. It's a survival Zelda game that is quite difficult and it doesn't hold your hand but it isn't a mind boggling revelation at least it wasn't in the 10-15 minutes I played it. It was fun though and I am looking forward to when I can play it and I bet it opens up a ton.
In the end it seems the Switch is the actual delivery of what Nintendo wanted to do with the Wii U. True portable next level games in a really solid form factor. Looks like tons of Indie games are jumping on the Switch, which should be great for it. But again, it's not a must have for me anymore but I hope we have another meetup and I get to play it again.
We really should have played 1 2 Switch to see the uniqueness of the Switch.
Also, the starter area of Zelda is a pretty lousy advertisement for the game. My first day playing it was somewhat disappointing, but it's been pretty great since then. I've found my first "dungeon" of the game and rage quitted last night at the boss, but I'm looking forward to getting back at it lol
Next meet up, 1 2 Switch. :)
What did you guys think of Logan? We just saw it last night and loved it.
@Travis I was going to ask that question! I probably won't see it until I can rent it.
2017's Feel Good Movie of the Year!
But really, it was a great movie. I probably won't watch it again, as I was pretty depressed by it. Between Logan and Deadpool, I like seeing comic book movies branching out and doing things differently.
I watched Manchester By The Sea and Logan on the same day. 😐
I'm glad you're still with us!
(So we can play on your Switch)
I didn't get depressed by it, probably because of all the people talking about how depressing it was. I was prepared! But yeah it wasn't a feel-good movie.
I specifically avoided all review/commentary on it so I was going in blind. I knew it was going to be violent, but that was it lol
I'm completely blind about it, except for what I've read here. I think I saw a trailer for it. I have no idea what happens (except something obviously depressing). It surprises me that Logan/Wolverine had another movie, in a way. However, he really is the star of the X-Men (other than Xavier). He's definitely one of my favorite comic book characters.
You can sign up and try to win a Switch. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/nintendo-switch-giveaway/1100-6448812/