Faeria differentiates itself from other games like Hearthstone in that it is way more generous...

Released on February 29, 2016 by Abrakam Entertainment
Developed by Abrakam Entertainment
Faeria combines the core values of Strategy Card Games together with a Living Board, giving you the ability to shape the board as you play to create mind-blowing strategies. Each game of Faeria is not only unique, beautiful and fast-paced but also highly competitive with upcoming features such as an observer mode and integrated tournaments. Faeria combines the core values of Strategy Card Games together with a Living Board, giving you the ability to shape the board as you play to create mind-blowing strategies. Each game of Faeria is not only unique, beautiful and fast-paced but also highly competitive with upcoming features such as an observer mode and integrated tournaments.
I finally defeating some difficult foes in Solo mode. I tried so hard and eventually found some recommended card lists. Now I'm kind of locked out of solo mode because the next matches require at least level 13 and I'm only 12. So, I've tried the Pandora and Battle modes. It reminds me of Hearthstone in that I hate playing against other people. In Battle mode, you play w/ a deck you created against someone. In Pandora, you're given choices of cards and build your deck kind of on the fly. I did get one win out of six. The good news is that you still get exp and other rewards even if you lose. Also, every time I collect 100 gold, I buy a new booster pack, which is cool and actually easy to get. Even if you lose three straight matches in a row as I did earlier in Pandora, you still get some exp, gold, and a booster deck.
So I just finally got to playing the new version of Faeria and it looks like Solo mode has changed. It's a bunch of quests you can go through and it looks like there is more than there was before. What they had before was a bunch of missions and some story you could complete in any order and that unlocked the basic cards.
Looks like there are puzzles and boss type quests. Do completing these boss type quests unlock cards Greg? Because I didn't unlock every card in the old solo mode yet.
Completing those quests grants you exp, gold, and sometimes a booster pack. The Epic Quests can be very difficult. The Puzzle Quests are challenging, but kind of simple, too. I did, however, find a video that was made very recently (in the last 24 hours I think) that showed the solution to all of the puzzles. I got through most of them on my own, but eventually decided not to spend too much time trying to figure them out.
My strategy has evolved to rush. I like my yellow/desert deck. I've been creating plains towards my opponent, then I build deserts near them and their faeria wells. This has worked out in some instances, but not in all of them. I also have included some neutral cards to help me get started. This was after seeing deck recommendations on one of the main sites for the game. That site (link provided below) explained how each colored deck works. Yellow seems to be primarily rushing/aggro, while blue is about having control over the faeria wells along with some spells to help remove your threats, such as turning your opponent's creatures into 2/2 frogs.
Huh. Well the old Solo mode granted you entire card color sets for completing boss fights. Maybe with enough of solo mode completed you can do that again? Kind of sad if we have to just unlock all the cards through opening packs.
Thanks for sharing that link, I tried when I started playing a couple weeks ago to find something like that and I didn't see anything.
Well not ENTIRE color sets but quite a bit of the base cards for the colors.
I just beat a Red Ogre matchup in Solo mode and unlocked 3 red cards. GLAD they kept this aspect of the game!
:) Was it a regular match or Epic Quest? I liked the red cards, too, but that page I linked above said red has the weakest creatures, which didn't seem right to me. I suppose it's true, but they didn't seem weak to me. Many of them do indirect damage, like combat makes it deal damage to your opponent. Then, there's that what 6/9 one with Taunt. When I built a new red deck based on the above link's recommendation, I got Talum (the forest boss) down to 1 point, but he beat me. That was during an Epic Quest, it was definitely tough.
Does it have a single player mode? If so, is it bigger than Hearthstone's? My disappointment with Heartstone was that it's almost strictly PVP. The video (in your post) looks good, I like the animations and card designs (which I think look a lot like Hearthstone cards). I'm not too sure about the actual game play, it may be something I'd have to try out that I might perhaps enjoy.
> Does it have a single player mode?
Yes. It has 5 prologue missions that get you acclimated to the game and grant you the basic cards. Then you have the 3 different color mission sets in Red, Green and Yellow. Each mission set grants you the basic cards for that color and is pretty fun/challenging on their own. As you play them you learn the game more and it's all pretty cool.
They are going to add more single player content when the game goes Free to Play in August.
"With every big version release comes important features, and v0.8 will be no exception. Brand new single player content will be added to the game for the first time since Early Access launched. "Solo" mode will grow from being an important but small part of the game to becoming a full blown single player experience. It will not only help new players learn how to play Faeria, but offer a variety of challenging scenarios to complete. We aim to have around 20 hours of solid single player content to begin with, and plan to steadily increase that amount over the coming months and years."
Looks like the game might have some kind of story campaign or something, which should be really cool.
Now Free-to-Play!
Awesome. Love to hear your thoughts on the game!
I like it. It's definitely a lot like Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering, but a different game on it's own. I think if someone likes one or both of those games, they should definitely give this one a try, especially since it's now Free-to-Play, there's nothing to lose.
I can't quite decide if I like it better than those other two games. One thing I like about it more than Hearthstone is it seems to have a much bigger and easier to access "Solo" mode. This is something I really wish Hearthstone would expand upon. A lot of Hearthstone's single player mode is locked and you have to pay for it either with real money or in-game currency, which you can get by doing dailies. The problem I have with dailies is that they often require you to win a few matches and Hearthstone's PVP style is pretty much the majority of the game, which is seriously brutal on my self-esteem or self-confidence.
I have an old '92 version of Magic: The Gathering that I really love. Unfortunately, it crashes a lot in Windows 10, but performs nearly flawlessly in a virtual machine that runs Windows XP. I have the 2012 MtG version for the PS3 and enjoyed it. There are many more versions available on Steam. So far, I've only downloaded their demos and played some of them. They're enjoyable and it's tempting to buy at least one of them.
Back to Faeria, I've definitely run into some bugs, so I need to remember to take screenshots so I can report them. The game does crash often. Still, it's fun. It's somewhat difficult to explain how it works, or how you play it, but it's not that difficult to play. Actually, so far it's been pretty easy, at least easier than Hearthstone. It does have it's challenges like Puzzle mode, although those haven't been extremely challenging yet. I think I also ran into an "Epic" quest, which I haven't been able to win yet.
Deck building seems somewhat different than I'm used to. it seems that you choose from categories instead of individual cards. Maybe you can choose them and I just haven't messed with it enough to figure that out yet.
I've pretty much stated my thoughts on it right now already. Although, I may still write a post about it, especially since we should let everyone know that it's now Free-to-Play and an enjoyable game.
I saw on the Steam forums that someone posted a topic that says something like, "stop trying to be Hearthstone." I think the developers should ignore that kind of thinking and continue with what their doing. I think it's different enough from Hearthstone to stand as it's own game. Again, I really wish Hearthstone would get influenced by this game and expand their single player game, at least by making it easier to access at least. Perhaps Heathstone could do that by including wins in it's "Practice" mode more often as dailies, that would make me happier and play it more often.
It does have much more single player content, which is really fun. It's difficult too, which is nice. They are going to release more so it will be interesting to see what that will be.
You can choose to select individual cards OR select by category/type if you don't want to pick individual cards.
The game really doesn't seem like Hearthstone to me but there are some card similarities which is pretty unavoidable I think.
I'm really enjoying it so far! I just hate the bugs, especially when it crashes. I've started taking screenshots and reporting them. I have one already, but I'm sure I'll collect more.
Thanks for the deck tip, I'll see if I can figure that out. I thought I got some card or cards that give health, I think I need those for the Epic Quest. I started using those Mountain cards like he (Seifer, the AI) is using. His creatures keep killing me because they deal damage to me when they do any combat, it's difficult. Also, I don't know what the numbers below the decks mean. I have a 3.0 deck and some 3.5 decks. I've tried tinkering around with some decks, using the categories so far.
Yeah there are card similarities. If this game gets to be more like Hearthstone that's cool with me as long as it adds to Solo Mode, I don't care about the PVP stuff.
Steam says I've played Faeria for 8 hours. Some of that time is minutes where I ran into issues. Immediately, I couldn't get in, it gave me some error like, "could not find steamid." Then I read on the forums that was due to the fact that they were doing maintenance. It was resolved quickly.
I'm enjoying it, but the frequent crashes suck. I've read others are getting the same error I've seen when they try to click "retry" on a puzzle match. The last one I did, I swore I won, but somehow it said no and therefore restarted, but gave me this error when it did that.
Anyway, I hope it gets resolved soon, so far I think it's a good game.
Error: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=751207418
Greg that sucks you are running into errors. I haven't seen one. I must be pretty lucky.
Wow, considering you've played an earlier version of the game than I have.
I think I'm going to see about looking up some deck building stuff. Most recently I pretty much went with all the red (mountain) stuff and included "Blessings" or one other codex. I think that number at the bottom of the deck is how strong it is, I'm not quite sure yet.
Ugh, now the game is kicking my ass lol.
> Ugh, now the game is kicking my ass lol.
Yeah, it took me a bit to get enough cards and do well against the AI. I still lose but it's not as bad anymore but I had to cross a threshold for sure.
I have had a couple of Epic Quests and one Puzzle Quest on my Solo list. I'm not high enough in levels to do the Puzzle Quest and the Epic Quests were kicking my ass. However, I was finally able to defeat Aurora after the game gave me a new Daily, which was to play x number of yellow cards. So, I crafted a yellow deck and managed to beat her. Now I'm trying to beat the forest guy, I can't recall his name at the moment.
Yellow is my most played deck color right now. Apparently I love Aggro decks
:) I played it cool and patient at first and it worked out, but then the game stepped up its game, so I had to do the same.
I recently noticed an issue I've seen that others are having, too. One of my Dailies says something pretty much like "lure him out. Fight in Solo Mode until Seifer returns." I've done that, but the daily still shows. I thought I read that a recent patch fixed that though.
:) I played it cool and patient at first and it worked out, but then the game stepped up its game, so I had to do the same.
I recently noticed an issue I've seen that others are having, too. One of my Dailies says "draw him out. Fight in Solo Mode until Seifer returns." I've done that, but the daily still shows. I thought I read that a recent patch fixed that though.
I enjoyed Faeria up until a point. The last time I played I was working on my dailies, but I got blocked. I think I might not be high enough in levels to complete some of them. The only thing I could actually do required me to play against other people. That's what made me quit. Still, it's a good game and I recommend it for those that like such games. For people like me, it's good and fun, until you're forced to play against others (which I really despise). That said, congrats to Faeria on 1.0!!
In a world where free-to-play card games are becoming a dime a dozen, it's nice to see a new take on it. This seems like the kind of thing I'd suck at but I'm going to give it a shot!
Travis, I strongly recommend checking out the Faeria YouTube channel. They usually have good videos, such as how to build decks. I liked the yellow elemental cards, I think that kind of deck is usually referred to as a rush deck. It is pretty fun to rush at your opponent and beat them quickly, granted I mostly played against the AI.
> In a world where free-to-play card games are becoming a dime a dozen, it's nice to see a new take on it. This seems like the kind of thing I'd suck at but I'm going to give it a shot!

I'm not particularly good but I still win a fair amount of the time against people with better decks than me in casual. I've played through a lot of the single player stuff and I haven't quiet completed it and am sort of saving it for later
That said, you can get a lot of milage out of the basic decks and it's a ton of fun. Plus, right now I haven't seen anyone be amazing yet. Since it's new still people aren't dominating things. At least I haven't seen that yet, but i'm not playing ranked.