Recently shared this with some friends and decided to post here as it’s a great track one of the best games on the Super Nintendo.

Hope all of you are having a safe quarantine. With that I was curious what everyone was up to while we are all locked away in our houses. Since I have a 4 year old most of my weekend time is spent with him but I have been making time to play some Super Nintendo Classic and focusing on Earthbound and Star Fox. I nearly beat Star Fox yesterday but Andross shut me down on my last life.

It's odd to get an Angry Video Game Nerd review of Earthbound but after watching it i'm glad he made this. It's not too far into the review where he does admit that this might be one of the best Super Nintendo games of all time. I also like that he critiques some of Earthbound's lesser features such as not being able to buy multiple items and the amount you are punished for dying. The death punishment can be circumvented with a SNES Classic save state but if you are playing it the way the original creators intended you can spend 30 minutes backtracking to bring your party back.
It's a great review of Earthbound but my only warning is that if you haven't played the game...
It's a great review of Earthbound but my only warning is that if you haven't played the game...

The US release Super Nintendo Classic trailer has gone up and this retro feast confirms many details that were in the Japanese Famicom Classic trailer. Live rewind & game borders are coming to the Super Nintendo Classic. Last night pre-orders went up on Amazon and Best Buy and sold out quickly. Many were happy to secure one but many were sleeping, including myself. Hopefully the rest of the pre-order sites go live today and there is a brief window where I can pick on up.
If you are interested in getting on I urge you to check the Nintendo page for retailers that have yet to go live with pre-orders like Walmart & Target:
If you are interested in getting on I urge you to check the Nintendo page for retailers that have yet to go live with pre-orders like Walmart & Target:

"Jon, Travis, Tim & Scrypt are back after the destruction of The Cheerful Ghost Roundtable for an all new Podcast, Cheerful Ghost Radio! We start things up talking about what we've been playing and watching and then dive in to the best things that came out of this years E3! Nintendo dropped a huge bit of news today in that they will be releasing the Super Nintendo Classic on September 29th! We discuss our thoughts on that and ask the question "will we be able to actually get one?"
This is the first episode of Cheerful Ghost Radio and as such we are still tweaking things to create a great show. Let us know your thoughts on the new show and anything we can do to...
This is the first episode of Cheerful Ghost Radio and as such we are still tweaking things to create a great show. Let us know your thoughts on the new show and anything we can do to...

Today Nintendo announced the Super Nintendo Classic, the follow up to last years NES Classic mega-hit you couldn't actually buy in stores due to it's crazy popularity. The Super Nintendo Classic will retail for $79.99 and feature 21 classic games such as Contra III, Donkey Kong Country, Earthbound, Final Fantasy VI, F-Zero, Kirby Super Star, Kirby's Dream Course, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Mega Man X, Secret of Mana, Star Fox, Star Fox 2 (previously unreleased), Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting, Super Castlevania IV, Super Ghouls & Ghosts, Super Mario Kart, Super Mario RPG, Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Super Punch-Out & Yoshi's...

"No crying until the ending. Guaranteed masterpiece. MOTHER is finally complete."

Aaron of RetroLiberty posted an interesting video called "Earthbound Convinced." The premise is that Aaron reads off the text on the Earthbound box and shows off some of the game art and then asks if that was enough to convince you to buy it. It's not quite fair as Aaron's video is well cut and is more than simply reading off the box art but it does showcase what little information we had to go off to make choices as kids. That said, I had Nintendo Power and they did a great job hyping up whatever video games Nintendo wanted us to buy at the time, Earthbound included.
Earthbound, were you convinced?
Earthbound, were you convinced?

For years, Earthbound has been a huge blemish on my "gaming wall of shame." As I have been playing Far Cry 3 I have wanted to play something with a less serious tone so I started Earthbound. Earthbound is a retro RPG that has a pretty interesting history and fan community. This post isn't a primer on that history or community, but a few thoughts on the game itself and how well it holds up today.
Since I don't have the "warm fuzzies" of Earthbound nostalgia love, I think my perspective is interesting. Many times i've tried to head back into older titles and haven't loved the result. Some games from the NES or SNES era don't hold up as well as others and that's...
Since I don't have the "warm fuzzies" of Earthbound nostalgia love, I think my perspective is interesting. Many times i've tried to head back into older titles and haven't loved the result. Some games from the NES or SNES era don't hold up as well as others and that's...

I loved the original pixel art style of the original Earthbound, but I would play the hell out of a 3D remake if it looked this good!
3D designer Christopher Behr did an amazing job recreating Earthbounds starting town, Onett. More (and bigger) pictures can be found at: http://www.christopherbehr.com/Onett
3D designer Christopher Behr did an amazing job recreating Earthbounds starting town, Onett. More (and bigger) pictures can be found at: http://www.christopherbehr.com/Onett