For example, the setting is way more varied. From trailer-parks to suburbs to the big city to the college district to a beachy area... I don't get the same feeling of driving around a living city in 3. I don't know how the actual areas compare, but Stilwater's variety makes it seem like a much larger place than Steelport.
And really, you're going for a more absurdist take on Saint's Row, and they took out those whacky french fry cars?
Also, if you're playing 3 without playing 2, you're missing out on a lot of great inside humor.
P.S. there is a distinct lack of Michael Dorn in Saints Row the Third.

Thanks for the tip, I would have probably skipped SR2 if I hadn't seen your post!
I had no idea that was Michael Dorn. It's been a while since I played SR2 though.
@Travis, It totes is! After looking into it, (because I didn't believe my ears) apparently he does quite a bit of vo for games.
Just want to second @gmlawton's sentiments here: SR2 is worth the investment in time for the awesome foundation it sets for the next two in the series.