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Nintendo will be holding a livestream featuring more details on the upcoming Nintendo Switch console. If you are interested in watching this event and want to discuss what you think they will be talking about then join us as we count down the days.
Personally i'm curious what the price point will be and what games will launch on the system. What details are you hoping Nintendo talks about? Have you decided on buying the Switch yet or do you remain unconvinced?
Personally i'm curious what the price point will be and what games will launch on the system. What details are you hoping Nintendo talks about? Have you decided on buying the Switch yet or do you remain unconvinced?
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11pm EST?! Why are they streaming this so late? And on a Thursday, no less?
It'll be interesting to see the price. I'm expecting around $300. A list of launch games would be nice, as long as they actually launch with the system, and not in the "launch window," which could be months later.
Have they shown anything on whether the controller has a headphone jack? That's another thing that I feel like they must have.
It will cost 10 million Nintendo coins. Better start saving up with SMR and Miitomo.
It looks like Zelda: Breath of the Wild is coming to North America and Japan with the launch of the Switch! Months ago it was reported to be delayed until June or this year's holiday season. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/zelda-breath-of-the-wild-coming-in-march-alongside/1100-6446647/
I'm still not sure whether to just get the new Zelda game for the Wii U, since I already own that system, or get it with a Switch. I'd like to see or know the difference in the game on both systems with the assumption that the Switch version will be better, at least performance wise. I am interested in knowing more about the Switch and games that will be coming out for it. Other than Zelda, I am interested in what I found to be a possibility of a Pokemon Sun and Moon game called Star (or Stars?).
Looks like the Switch will be powered over USB C so no more proprietary Nintendo cables!
No power adapter for you Jon!
Price and release date leak? The price seems about right for what I've seen of "leaks" or guesses (around $245). Somehow the date seems perfect. Have I known 3/17 for a while and for how long? I'm not sure.
But will Nintendo make enough of them to keep up with demand?
> But will Nintendo make enough of them to keep up with demand?
Hahahahahaha, no. I mean if the Wii & NES Classic are the model then no. You can get one eventually and that might be OK for me. I bet if you pre-order you could get one but i'm not sure I want to get one launch day. I've never got a system that way before.
Launch day used to be a rad time to get consoles. Now I just shudder at the thought of the constant patching and upgrading that will happen within the first week/month of launch these days.
Yeah, the ability to patch after the fact is a great advancement but it also seems to have lead to less complete releases. It may not be causal, but I'm with you. I want to wait.
I will get it at launch day if possible. I will do a CG Switch tour where I will bring it to all your houses to try out. :)
I'm holding you to that Will!
Two days!
Any last minute predictions?
I was thinking that Miitomo would come standard with each Switch.
That would not be surprising. It might actually get people to use it!
My last minute prediction: It will be revealed that Nintendo Switch, and components, are made entirely from recycled Starbucks cups, and, when powered on, will give off a slight aroma of roasted coffee beans. Starbucks will sue, take claim of the new system, and ramp up production. Not only will they turn every Starbucks retail shop into a low-key, hipster version of Dave & Buster's, but they will also finally have a way to mold children into future coffee drinkers by making the constant aroma of coffee a thing of nostalgia.
What was Nintendo, having lost all rights to their entire catalog of IPs, and even their very name, finds their senior officers wading in the shallows of Lake Biwa for seven days, weeping, wondering what went wrong, ashamed of not seeing this coming. On the eighth day, the floor of the lake opened up, and an object was released, floating to the surface where it stayed anchored like an ancient buoy. It will be Susumu Tanaka who finds the object and brings it to the attention of the remaining officers. From the secrets within this seed they will grow into a new company, and they will be called Matakondo (which, in it's Japanese translates to "maybe next time").
Fast forward ten years: War. The Matakondo Corporation's immediate success riles Starbucks into a foamed frenzy. The Internet explodes with hate campaigns against Matakondo, and for three weeks they take the beating. At the end of the third week, not coincidentally, at Matakondo's E3 event, they announce their new project, something they have been slowly working on over the last 10 years. Matakondo will announce that they will start making coffee. This coffee, which will be available to the world in November of that year... all of it will be brewed from a single bean. An ancient Japanese coffee bean, which had been kept secret even by the Dutch, unearthed by the salt of the tears shed that day, long ago, in Lake Biwa. Everyone will drink the coffee, Starbucks will cede with awe and humility, and there will be global peace for a thousand years.
A subscription service to their back catalog! Hopefully a better friends list. Friend codes suck.
Will it have 3D for 3DS games?
scrypt, /r/writingprompts needs you.
> Everyone will drink the coffee, Starbucks will cede with awe and humility, and there will be global peace for a thousand years.
That would be great even if Nintendo loses all of it's IP.
@Travis, I've had WP bookmarked for a while, but have never really taken the dive to see what it's all about. Might be a good time to do that!
Boogie2988 has some interesting commentary on the Switch the night before the conference and wraps up the rumors. It appears some of the rumors are the Switch will lock in at 720p 60FPS which seems like a reasonable choice given the hardware of the system. It's not cutting edge 4K but I imagine later Switch revisions will get graphical upgrades.
Boogie also wants Nintendo to allow streaming and not take the revenue. I think that's a pretty good idea and I hope Nintendo chills out it's streaming policy too.
Shovel Knight & Shovel Knight Treasure Trove is coming to the Switch:
I'm waiting for Shovel Knight to release on my toaster at this point. It's everywhere!
Just so everyone is ready, the link for the Nintendo live stream event is below. I'll also put it on the main page before it happens so you can go there to watch it too.
My sources, which are really reliable (they aren't in my head, I swear), say that the Switch will have a snow cone maker feature!
> will have a snow cone maker feature!
I just changed my mind. Pre-ordering this.
50 second countdown! Woot!
3/3/17 $300
The one thing I don't like is the bottom thumbstick on the right Joy-Con. It looks like it would get in the way of the 4 buttons above it.
Yep, the part Joy-con does look a bit cramped.
The system looks much more technically sophisticated than I anticipated. It makes sense, though, looking at the evolution of Nintendo's console (including hand held). I mean, it can do a lot more than I anticipated. One little Joy-Con can do so very much!
Skyrim confirmed! No mention of release date.
Zelda launching the same day as the Switch (3/3/17)! Woot!
No snow cone maker!!!!
@Will_Ball, yeah but you can pretend the Joy-Con is a glass and you can tell how much water is in it along with how many ice cubes are there, too! LOL
Honestly, I may just pre-order a Switch. Something about Breath of the Wild makes me want to weep for joy. It's intro music alone gives me sweet shivers!
Breath of the Wild looks amazing.