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on Steam
Steam's Holiday Sale is the biggest of the year so add this event to your calendar and lets talk about what you are going to get.
Skyrim? Terraria? Left 4 Dead 2?
Skyrim? Terraria? Left 4 Dead 2?
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I think I'm going to finally pick up the AVGN game. I've been eyeing it for a while, so assuming it goes on sale I'll nab it.
I'll also probably pick up another extra copy of Terraria. I gave my spare to my friend Greg (as some of you can tell from the Facebook discussion) so I need to get another to keep around for situations like that.
It's become something of a Tradition with me and my friend Jason (@JaBo) that we buy each others Christmas gifts during the steam sales. So I'll be picking up whatever I can off his wishlist as they get discounted. :P
As for what I'm hopping to get for myself, there's several games I'm going to keep an eye out for. Papers, Please looks really interesting, and Organ Trail looks like a lot of fun.
Cities in Motion 2 DLC, maybe. Looking at Bioshock Infinite and Assassin's Creed 3 and 4 too.
Papers, Please and Organ Trail are both worth getting but the game I bought recently I have been enjoying the heck out of is Pixel Junk Monsters. Plugged in two controllers and a friend and I played it two player, so much fun. Fun single and two player both actually.
Going to pickup Pixel Junk shooter for sure.
We'll see what goes on sale. Most the games on my wishlist are new-ish, so I'm not sure if any of them will be discounted enough to entice me. I still own a metric crapton of games I've never played.
I have lot's of games I haven't played too, mostly from bundles. That said, I have noticed from what games I do purchase I play.
I don't buy because it's a good deal anymore, I might even hold off and buy it later just to ensure i'll actually play it. Might pay a few bucks more, but I am trying to avoid the 4,000 games unplayed story :D
I don't count bundles as much BUT I am not buying bundles if they don't contain at least one game I want to play immediately. Which means the last few bundles I have skipped entirely.
Wow, BioShock Infinite is amazing. Seriously, for $9.99 you need to pick it up. Been playing it on my Mac and it is superb. So beautiful and an awesome story. So far only a little bit in and I love it.
Borderlands 2 GOTY is only $15? Whoa.
That's tempting, but I bought Borderland 2 on PS3 so I could play co-op with my wife and I generally have a rule about not buying the same game twice. :\ I would love to play with all you fine peeps who have it on PC though.
Over at Amazon they're offering Bioshock 1, Bioshock 2, and Bioshock Infinite as a bundle for 15 bucks. I'm considering that one. http://goo.gl/64gAVl
It's $20 on Steam now http://store.steampowered.com/sub/36223/
The amazon purchase might be for steam keys though :D
The amazon deal is for Steam keys, yes.
Do it. Infinite is worth the price of admission alone.
Yes, that's two of the best games of the decade and one that's pretty OK as well.
So far, I've bought Gone Home (which looks really interesting, but I know nothing about), Left 4 Dead 2 (for free!), NBA 2K14, Papers Please, and Tower Wars.
Installing Tower Wars now.