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Wolfenstein: The New Order
on Steam
The new Wolfenstein game launches in May. If you are going to pre-order the game or just buy it at launch, join the event!
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Yep. Going to get this on drop day.
Really nice review of the press beta: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5RAs9BJ-bLU
I'm so torn! I have credit at GameStop from trade-ins, enough to get one or two games (AAA + indie). More than a few good ones coming out in May. I've been putting of Reaper because of it. It's a toss-up right now between Watch Dogs and Wolfenstein. The fact that Wolfenstein is causing me to reconsider getting Watch Dogs says something. Then there's Transistor, and I've been interested to try out Killer is Dead, which is on sale on Steam right now. Decisions, decisions.
I hear you. I don't have much interest in Watch Dogs myself so the choice between that and Wolf is pretty easy :D
As to Reaper or not, I am incredibly biased. :D
hmmm... Joystiq deals has it on sale for $49.99
That's a great deal. It's reduced price and you get a Steam key too...
Ha, and I just got around to preordering yesterday. I guess I should have waited a day.
pre-loading it now on Steam. It's 40 gigs. Holy shit.
I hope this game is awesome.
I'm glad I cleaned up my Steam hard drive the other day. I have 100 gb free out of a 1TB. I probably need to clean it some more.
If I get a few more games like this i'll need to get a larger hard drive! Then again, I could clean up some old games I don't play much as well. I think we'll be in a new age when a game cracks 100G. Which may very well be the next Elder Scrolls game.
I did a very, very stupid thing yesterday, and am suffering the consequence now. Clean wipe and install of everything :(.
Wow. Well, sometimes you need to do that. Good luck and hope you had backups of the important stuff!
Oh dear. I'm almost afraid to ask, but I must: What was the very stupid thing?
Yeah, I kind of what to know too but I don't want to "dwell on the pain" in whatever way it turned out to be bad.
Would you knowingly stick your hand into a box of poisonous spiders? I did the internet equivalent. I downloaded an untrustworthy .exe, and then ran it. I can't explain it. The only excuse I can muster is that I've only been in a PC environment for two years (all Mac, prior), and my brain had a moment of "Well, it's not like it can kill my system." It can, kids. It can.
Oh man. Yeah, that happened to my wife a bit ago. It looked like an update for Firefox and it exploded the computer. I was able to beat it into submission but WOW it exploded with spyware in seconds.
Windows really is a cesspool security wise.
PS The New Order is fun. Lot's to say about it and i'll save it for the roundtable/future review.
Excellent! Glad you're enjoying it, and can't wait to hear the good news :)
Did you pick it up scrypt? I wasn't sure how that turned out.
I haven't decided yet. Watch Dogs was the whole reason I got a Ps4, so to change gears at this point would be tough. However, Wolfenstein seems to have the power to do that.
You got a PS4? Awesome. I've heard Wolfenstein: New Order is awesome on the PS4 so you have great options in getting it. I can't say which you'd prefer.
That said, I really have been loving the shit out of Wolfenstein. I hope they release DLC for this one because i'd love more of it.
I've had one since launch. I haven't been playing it because... well, there hasn't been much to play on it. Watch Dogs was supposed to be included in the bundle I pre-ordered, but delayed, and now it's finally coming out. I might wait until both have been out for a week, to get a general consensus. Your vote for Wolfenstein means a lot :)
This game is incredible. I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't played it, or haven't gotten far enough into the game yet, but one of the most over-the-top things ever just happened and it made me realize that The New Order balances absolute insanity and excess with poignancy on the head of a pin, and doesn't seem to ever lose the balance. I'm just blown away. Not done yet, I'm not even sure how far through I am. I'm intentionally avoiding walkthroughs or anything like that.
But seriously, over 7 hours in I can't recommend this enough. If it was over now it would be $60 well-spent.
Goddamnit, Travis. I was 80/20 in favor of Watch Dogs. Is it worth going into debt $60?
Nevermind. I did it. I hate you both. (Not really. I love you!)
Haha, I hope you dig it.
It's a great game. One of the most satisfying games of the last bit. Not finished with it yet, kind of want to take my time.