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Starship Rubicon
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Cheerful Ghost will have a booth at this years Portland Retro Gaming Expo. We will be showing off Starship Rubicon as well as handing out Cheerful Ghost swag. PRGE is a great time, so stop by the booth and checkout all the other awesome stuff at the Expo, like the free to play Arcade.
Cheerful Ghost will be part of the Portland Indie Game Squad(PIGSquad) Booth.
Starship Rubicon
Starship Rubicon is Cheerful Ghost's first foray in the exciting world of game publishing. As such we are showing as much as we can post-release to get feedback on how it is shaping up. People have been saying really nice things about it, but we are still polishing it up and would love more people to play test it. If this interests you, make sure to stop by and give it a shot!
If you would like more information about Starship Rubicon or want to pre-order it hit the link below.
Portland Retro Gaming Expo show floor opens October 18th @ 10am and ends October 19th @ 5pm.
Cheerful Ghost will be part of the Portland Indie Game Squad(PIGSquad) Booth.
Starship Rubicon
Starship Rubicon is Cheerful Ghost's first foray in the exciting world of game publishing. As such we are showing as much as we can post-release to get feedback on how it is shaping up. People have been saying really nice things about it, but we are still polishing it up and would love more people to play test it. If this interests you, make sure to stop by and give it a shot!
If you would like more information about Starship Rubicon or want to pre-order it hit the link below.
Portland Retro Gaming Expo show floor opens October 18th @ 10am and ends October 19th @ 5pm.
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My daughter has been talking about last year's PRGE all year long. It was a lot of fun and we hope to make it again this year!
I hope you can too. This year should be the biggest yet!
Ok I am at the PIGSquad booth. Look for the Starship Rubicon sign.