In this epsiode of The Cheerful Ghost Roundtable we discuss what we have been playing as well as Android's new Fire TV. After that we talk about the new FTL: Advanced Edition update and after the show ends we spend some time unboxing our versions of Diablo III.
Your welcome!
What We are Playing & Drinking
Amazon's Fire TV
FTL: Advanced Edition
Show Notes
Your welcome!
What We are Playing & Drinking
- 0.24m WhiteboySlim: Diablo III, FTL: Advanced Edition & Ocarina of Time 3DS
- 2.10m Travis: Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
- 3.35m jdodson: Emoji, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition, Hotline Miami & Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea Part 2
Amazon's Fire TV
- 8.40m Amazon's new Fire TV is out. What do we think about it? Will we pick one up?
- 14.50m Amazon's Game Studios first release is Sev Zero.
- 18.00m What market does the Fire TV serve?
- 20.10m Google is rumored to be releasing an Android TV.
FTL: Advanced Edition
- 28.50m FTL: Advanced was a free update for PC and came out for the iPad.
- 39.00m Why didn't they charge for the expansion? Will we come back and play FTL classic?
- 44.10m The unboxing seriousness commences
- 51.55m WhiteboySlim unboxes regular Diablo III
Show Notes
- Emoji we support on Cheerful Ghost:
- Amazon's Fire TV
- Google's new Android TV

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Advanced edition actually got me to buy FTL. I think Mind Control is new which I love because you can just shut down their pilot to ruin their evasion before shooting, but be careful the Clone Bay brings back a person with slightly lower skills. But if you have a lot of Mantis you can just throw them at enemy ships with a crew teleporter.
I still suck at the game though, only one victory so far.
A Clone Bay/Mantis/Transporter is a really interesting combination! I'll have to try that!
@RedChocobo glad to hear you got into the game, now is a great time to do that!
Adym: Let me know how it turns out. Been so busy lately I haven't had as much time to FTL as id like.
Wait... RedChocobo how long have you played the game for? If you already beat it, that's pretty damn good if you just started!
Yeah if you've beaten the game I don't think you can say you suck at it.
I think it was my 5th or 6th playthrough. Lucked out and got a Zoltan Super Shield and one of the missle launchers that sends two for one.
I've never beaten the game. I'm not even sure if I've made it to the last sector, I think I've made it to sector 7. I tried the Advanced Edition, which put me at just over 60 hours in the game. I didn't survive very long, but I did enjoy some of the new things. Like Travis I was impressed because once I started up the game and realized not only that my crew were already in positions I normally place them, but I was able to set them to a hot key and have them return with the press of a button. That really impressed me. I did get a Clone Bay, but it was a bit late after one of my crew had died. I also enjoyed the new feature to the navigational map, with the ability to see where different points lead to. I didn't play AE very long and I didn't last very long either.
I finally made it to Sector 8 and I fought the final ship, which utterly destroyed me. Hahahaha.