You may have noticed that most shooters only enable you to play them in one way. Run and gun. Looks like the new Wolfenstein game has considered this and is designed to allow you choice in how you approach it. Not only can you run and gun, causing mad amounts of carnage and also paint the world with the blood of your Nazi foes. It seems Machine Games is also enabling people to play with a stealth mode style.
If you are the more "hang back and slit throats while taking some sniper shots at the Nazis" type of person, they seem to have you covered. All told I enjoy the "run and gun carnage" but I also really loved the stealth aspect of the recent BioShock Infinite DLC Burial At Sea Part 2.
Excited to try my hand at both styles when the game drops.
If you are the more "hang back and slit throats while taking some sniper shots at the Nazis" type of person, they seem to have you covered. All told I enjoy the "run and gun carnage" but I also really loved the stealth aspect of the recent BioShock Infinite DLC Burial At Sea Part 2.
Excited to try my hand at both styles when the game drops.

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I've never experienced a lead-up to a game like this except maybe Bioshock Infinite. Every trailer that comes out is better than the last, and it just gets me more and more pumped. I can't wait to get my hands on this one.
Bethesda is really keeping the marketing going on this all the way to launch for sure.
Gameplay looks solid, and worth getting excited over. If id can pull it all together with a somewhat compelling story, I'll be thrilled. Consider me very interested.
iD isn't making this game Machine Games is.
But I agree with the great narrative bit, I hope it has one too.
Ahh.. no iD. I just assumed.
Right. They have farmed out the last few Wolf games to external studios and this is continuing that. I think the last one they made was Spear of Destiny.
I hope they don't do that with Doom. Surely they won't.
Doom 4 is being worked on by iD.
My video card is just under the tech specs for the game.
Hmmm. I have a nvidia 440. Hope I can at least play it in 720p
Yeah, I'm under-spec as well. Considering Ps4 option, or the possibilities of upgrading my PC, but then I'd need a new processor AND video card. Maybe a power supply. Probably more hard drive space, too. Definitely. Definitely more hard drive space.
Well. My power supply on my PC isn't great BUT there is a new Nvidia card that supports it. It's the low power high spec option Nvidia releases every so often. Let me rustle up the info here...
Ok so it's the GTX 750. It doesn't require anything more than to plug it in.
I will tell you that some of my specs are just under the minimum requirements for Assassins Creed 3 and 4, and both of them run perfectly on almost maxed out settings. So it may run perfectly, or may sputter along, depending on how much of a margin they allowed.
Ah, this is telling: "The system requirements are based on the game being a next-gen experience running at 60fps. These are the system requirements to deliver the PC game as it was intended to be experienced."
So you can probably get a this-gen or last-gen (whatever the hell we're calling the PS3 and 360 generation now) experience with your setup.
Nice. I plan on getting the 750 some time this year, but prob not before New Order comes out.
My setup works pretty well for 90% of what I throw at it BUT Diablo III is lagging a bit more than i'd prefer.
Really? Katie's laptop is using the Intel 3000 series integrated video and she doesn't have any issues with it. She does have Low FX turned on though, which I've actually considered myself at times for different reasons-- when you have a Wizard or a Monk with Epiphany spamming the screen with all kinds of colorful effects, it's easy to lose the action.
Yeah, I run D3 @ 1920x1200 and don't skimp too much on the VFX. Most of the time, it's fine but more oft that not on Reaper, things chug.
It's a pretty hefty machine beyond the video card though. I'd LIKE to run it at my full res of 2560x1440 on the GTX 750 but that might be wishful thinking :D
Drool. That sounds marvelous.
It's pretty slick man, I won't lie.
Did you see the size of that download? 50Gb! I'll wait and get it used on the Ps4. It might take a few weeks to find a used copy, but that's probably how long it would take me to download that on Steam.
Yeah I did. One one hand, YAY it should look fantastic. On the other hand, Comcast is going to shut me off in the middle of the month.
Good thing the cap isn't enforced in my area right now.