I got the Humble Bundle 13 and it came with a few extra copies of Risk of Rain. Since I can't play 3 copies, I have decided to give them away. Risk of Rain is an awesome indie side scrolling rogue-like that is on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Let me know if you want a copy in the comments and i'll hand them out to the first people that ask.
Let me know if you want a copy in the comments and i'll hand them out to the first people that ask.

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I would like a copy in the comments.
@MBoffin, key sent via site message.
Yes please! :)
@Stirling_Hepburn, key sent via site message.
Awesome, thanks! :D
No problem.
Thank you!
Yes please!
@JaBo, key sent via site message.
Thanks everyone! Enjoy the game and if you feel inspired, come back and write about it!
Well that went fast! Hahaha.
The game looks neat, i might have to get myself a copy! mulitiplayer capable?
Yeah, it has co-op online and LAN multiplayer.
Did anyone change the default keyboard controls? I wanted to go with WASD movement and I made the skills numeric. I assumed I could attack with a click (or double-click) with the mouse, but it seems you have to use the skills. I noticed there are gamepad controls and I wonder if it might be better with that or the default keyboard controls. What do you think?
I always play with a controller. For me, it's much easier/more fun.
I've had that discussion already although I don't recall all of the results of it. I believe Travis said he uses a Logitech controller. What do you recommend? I know there's a way to use the PS3 (or XBox) controller, too, but that didn't quite work out as well as I wanted in Morrowind. It's been ages since I've actually used a controller on a PC. Maybe I should invest in one.
I have a XBox 360 controller for PC and it works great. I'd recommend that, it's a solid controller.
That's right, I think that was the general agreement with the PC controller discussion some of us had some time ago. The only XBox I own is the very first one and I have no interest in the newer versions. When I tried to get my PS3 controller working for Morrowind, it seemed like the XBox 360 controller was perhaps easier to use and configure. This was evident because, to get the PS3 controller to work, I had to use a program to get it to emulate an XBox 360 controller. Thanks for the reminder and the tip. Perhaps I'll get one eventually or soon. I am expecting to visit Gamestop in a few weeks to pick up Smash Bros. for the Wii U and both of the new Pokemon games for me and my son.
All that said, are you using the default controller configuration for the game?
Yep, controller defaults for me.
Cool. So far my first impressions of the game are still the first impressions I had of the video. Like Starship Rubicon, I don't survive very long nor have I played very long. The game also reminded me Edge of Space, similar graphics, similar size (I have it on a high resolution). I was happy that I learned that holding down a key for the first ability makes it continue to fire, instead of constantly pressing the key.
Today at GameStop, one of the things I bought was an Afterglow XBox 360 controller. It is "see-through" and glows blue when plugged in. I got this controller because it attaches via USB cable, which i thought would be the best way to connect a controller to my PC as I'm unsure if my PC is Bluetooth-capable. I plugged the controller into my PC and it installed quickly. I decided to test it out in Risk of Rain and I found that the only configuration I had to do was to select "enable gamepad." I was then able to use the controller in the game and I understood why you, Jon, use your controller in the game. They keyboard settings for the game are just weird to me, but the gamepad configuration feels perfect. Thanks for the recommendation!
No problem. I tried the keyboard and the controller is WAY better.
I totally agree, as I said the keyboard configuration just seems weird, while the controller seems perfect.
One thing about this game though is it's title. I keep think it's called "Risk of Ruin," which seems much more fitting.