Curious what everyone is playing right now? Feel free to let me know in the comments.
Games I am playing right now?
What are you into right now? Anything we should know about?
Games I am playing right now?
- Starship Rubicon - We are in beta right now SQUEEEEE!
- Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls - Before BlizzCon I decided to play this again and am having lots of fun.
Risk of Rain - I can now, most of the time, beat level one with an epic build. Level two kicks my ass. I
you Risk of Rain, even though you are so very difficult.
- Eldritch - Way more fun than I expected to have. It plays great with a keyboard & mouse and controller. The mood of the game is superb.
- Earthbound - So fun, but I am taking forever to complete it.
What are you into right now? Anything we should know about?

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Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls - Because I found out about Whimsyshire and decided to collect the ingredients for the staff to get there. However, I later found a Rainbow Goblin, which lead me there.
I, sadly, haven't been playing much lately. I managed to play a little GTA Online the other night with a friend, and that's about it besides a quick Risk of Rain run here and there.
Shadow of Mordor
Marvel Heroes
Sunset Overdrive
My gaming has slowed down recently because i've been working a lot, but right now i'm in the middle of
Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask,
Deus Ex: Human Revolution,
Maximum Carnage (sega genesis),
and Pokemon Yellow.
sure doesn't look like i've slowed down...
Binding of Isaac
Smash Bros. for 3DS
Theme Hospital (Thanks to current gog sale)
Catherine (On 3rd playthrough. Can't get enough.)
Civ 5
@vdogmr25 Binding of Issac Rebirth or the original?
Starcraft 2 or the original? If SC2 are you playing multiplayer or singleplayer?
Original on both. Been on my 6 year old macbook and it can barely handle anything more than that.
Since I finished what I was doing with Diablo 3 (getting to Whimsyshire), I thought I'd update my comment here to reflect what's new.
Super Smash Bros. Wii U
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Mario Kart 8 (new DLC)
Hyrule Warriors (new DLC)