When Adam and I heard there was a new Hearthstone release we started hoarding our daily quest gold. When the Grand Tournament launched today I had enough gold saved for 28 packs and he had 27. Adam had the idea that we stream our opening of our packs and the video linked above turned out way better than I expected.
We start the stream talking about some of the more interesting Grand Tournament cards then proceed to the main event, opening packs. I'd say Adam drew a much larger spread of cards than I did but I ended up pulling Justicar Trueheart. He also pulled two balls of spiders to which I pulled none.
We start the stream talking about some of the more interesting Grand Tournament cards then proceed to the main event, opening packs. I'd say Adam drew a much larger spread of cards than I did but I ended up pulling Justicar Trueheart. He also pulled two balls of spiders to which I pulled none.

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Adam is no longer talking to Jon
Just kidding. It was actually a great time. I'll start rebuilding decks tomorrow and see what happens!
I see a typo in your post, you put "Grant" instead of "Grand".
It's still in the URL. LOL
Let me know when you have a verdict on on Ball of Spiders. I think it's going to be a lot of fun.
I didn't pull a Ball of Spiders so I can't comment on it. What I can so far is that i've been mostly playing Shaman and the new cards are a mixed bag so far. I am still tweaking, but so far they are not a slam dunk or anything. I've had some really fun games but few wins.
My Hunter deck is way more versatile but that needs some more tweaking to get it tuned right.
I can't wait to put together a new Paladin deck.
I did like 40-50 of the mage v. hunter brawl to play with the new cards, and I have been doing arena's now (since I had 1400 gold saved up) and I should be able to just do arenas for quite a long time (for instance, spent 150 to enter arena, got to 8 wins and won back 250 gold plus a pack). It's a fun way to play with the new cards too. There's some that are just really good!
Mukala's Champion, really great guy. I had 2 out at once and just was overpowering. https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/shacknews/assets/editorial/2015/08/Hearthstone_MuklasChampion.jpg
Lock and Load hunter card was great, I'm def feeling some more powerful burst hunter deck coming
Almost all the new priest cards I love! Those dmg to self and heal ones are great for my heal trigger combo deck. And the legendary is a fun late game card.
This card is bonkers: https://i.imgur.com/Rls4NIJ.jpg I got it an arena match and just cast it ASAP! Boom, whole deck/hand +1/+1.
Boy, so refreshing! Warlock, Shaman, even Rogue looks fun now!
I'm enjoying the Tournament Medic in my Warlock deck. Especially when paired with Floating Watcher
I played the Mistcaller in a Brawl match and i'll agree, it is a bonkers card.
I didn't pull a Mukala's Champ but I am seriously considering crafting it.
I'm at 9 original packs, 6 GvG, 4 arena packs and 735 coins to still do more arena with. I'll keep playing until I'm spent then finally bust open packs. I like waiting til there's 10+ as I feel good that I'll at least get 1 card I'm interested in lol
So is this expansion only adds new cards, like Goblins vs. Gnomes, right? And expansions are separate from adventures, like Naxxaramas and Blackrock?
I'm getting back into it a little for the first time since right after release. Just unlocked all the different decks, and wow I suck.
Hahaha yeah, sucking at start is perfectly normal. I had a post for new players a bit back. Check that out.
The Grand Tournament is a new expansion and not an adventure.
I'm not entirely sure what adventures are yet, but I definitely know what an expansion is from my time in Magic the Gathering.
Adventures contain 5 tiers of boss fights where you can unlock specific cards. So far there are just two adventures, Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain. You can pay $25 for each adventure or unlock each tier 700 gold at a time.
I opened my 27 packs that I accumulated and got 3 legendaries and enough dust to craft another legendary. I then bought 30 packs and got 1 more legendary. So, back to ladder now that I got some of the good new cards. I only have 2 legendary GT cards. The Justicar I pulled (and I like using) and I crafted the priest chick for funs. http://i.imgur.com/vnHeEty.jpg
Was torn between her and this one http://media-hearth.cursecdn.com/avatars/252/298/22264.png
A neutral legendary is always nicer, but Priest is my fav so I went there.
9 mana gets me her plus a random legendary. I never play her without mana to heal same turn.
Oh also, Murloc Knight is best new card... get 2 and use asap
I've heard that about the Knight and I agree. I pulled one and will craft the other. Murladdin is a very cool new deck type.