The Nintendo Switch & Zelda Breath of the Wild are now safely launched and not only does the Switch seem to be getting good reviews but it seems Breath of The Wild might be one of the best games of all time... already? Breath of the Wild is only few days old but is already getting crazy high reviews like a 98% Metacritic, 10/10 IGN, 10/10 Trusted Reviews, 10/10 Polygon and the like seem to be implying this latest Zelda game might be the pinnacle of the series. Even after the hype train and recent launch to crazy acclaim my plan for picking up a Switch by years end i'm sticking with. I have yet to finish up Ocarina 3D and after that I want to play Link Between Worlds so I have plenty of Zelda for the time being.
Switch Carts Taste Terrible Because... We Need To Eat Them?
Many news sites are reporting that the new Switch game carts taste absolutely terrible, which is something i'd honestly never thought i'd type in a sentence. That said, as Nintendo game carts are now quite small I imagine Nintendo didn't want kids eating them so making the label taste awful would make it so tiny humans don't swallow them which is actually a nice feature now that my house is occupied by a very explorative 9 month old.
That said, if any Cheerful Ghosters have Breath of the Wild on Switch can you lick the games sticker and report back? I'm curious what your thoughts are and what it tastes like. You know, for science. Also, if you are playing Breath of the Wild i'd love for you to post your thoughts on the game so far and keep us updated as you keep playing it.
Switch Carts Taste Terrible Because... We Need To Eat Them?
Many news sites are reporting that the new Switch game carts taste absolutely terrible, which is something i'd honestly never thought i'd type in a sentence. That said, as Nintendo game carts are now quite small I imagine Nintendo didn't want kids eating them so making the label taste awful would make it so tiny humans don't swallow them which is actually a nice feature now that my house is occupied by a very explorative 9 month old.
That said, if any Cheerful Ghosters have Breath of the Wild on Switch can you lick the games sticker and report back? I'm curious what your thoughts are and what it tastes like. You know, for science. Also, if you are playing Breath of the Wild i'd love for you to post your thoughts on the game so far and keep us updated as you keep playing it.

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I ate some food after touching a cart and my finger had a bitter taste.
I finally got the paraglider! It only took me around 5 hours. :)
BTW, don't hold anything on fire near exploding barrels. Ouch.
I just got my Wii U version this morning! I'll make sure to lick the disk before playing.
I hear the wii u version tastes like butterscotch.
I demand a full taste review!
I won't be licking my disc, LOL. While playing, Vinny was watching videos about the Switch and the new Zelda game. He kept telling me things he's learned about it, keeping spoilers away. What I heard in those videos confirms what Jon said about extremely positive reviews. This one person said it's probably the best Zelda game EVER and incorporates the other games more than any other.
I'm looking forward to playing it, but I'm pre-occupied. I'll get to it eventually, maybe this summer.
It's the actual plastic casing, not the label, that tastes bitter. And it does taste nasty!
Scrypt-- I've heard plenty of people saying the casing is bad but the label is the worst. Boogie had his in his mouth for a few seconds before flipping it to the label side and then started acting like he might die. Interesting. I don't have one to taste myself :D
Challenge accepted...
So gross! I don't know, I can't really tell the difference. If I start with one side, the other just compounds the bitterness. Maybe the paper texture of the label side transfers the taste more rapidly? Jon, you need to put one in Finn's mouth and see what he thinks...
I bet if I did that Francesca would punch me. That said, I'm glad it has it so if he tries it he will spit it out.
Some interesting articles I read this morning:
Looks like the Switch controllers are normal Bluetooth devices
GameStop said the Switch was one of the strongest console launches in years. I wonder how that translates to sales?
Today I found a boomerang. I threw said boomerang, and I did not know how to catch it. It flew over my head and I lost it. :(
Amiibos are cool in this game. They give you a ton of useful items on a daily basis.
That's cool
In Zelda I am collecting 10 crickets so a guy can romance some girl.
How many crickets have you found so far?
I found two videos I thought I'd share from GameSpot: "9 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Zelda: Breath of the Wild" ( and "9 More Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Zelda: Breath of the Wild" (
10 crickets! The dude went from a guy hanging out with a donkey to a pimp with those 10 crickets.
That was awesome!
I am 15 hours into BotW and I feel like I have barely started the game. The time has gone by fast too!
Is that good or bad for you? Based on your tone I'm guessing good. Some people would find it daunting, some would want to spend 700 hours in it. I love long games as long as the depth is there.
Good for me!
GameSpot's "Even More Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Zelda: Breath of the Wild"
Breath of the Wild on SNES -
25 hours in and I am still having fun, and I still don't know where to go. :) I think I may have found an easier path this morning. Every path I have taken before has kicked my ass.
Nope, I was wrong. Time to search for another path. :)
I am enjoying the discovery process. Even though I have not progressed much in the story line, I have been clearing shrines and opening up the map.