I wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! As you all tuck into eating more turkey than you should I was wondering what we will all be playing and watching this weekend? Linked above is my ritual MST3K Turkey Day marathon and they are starting out with the Swedish classic “The Day The Earth Froze!” I’ve been playing a lot of The Adventures of Link and that’s been really fun to play(check my review on it later)!

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I'm hoping to get in some time with the FFXV multiplayer expansion. You know, once I wake up from my turkey induced coma.
I downloaded and played the free Wolf2 demo. I also played some Minecraft, and my daily TES:Legends and Faeria. Later, I got really into Faeria, so I spent a few hours playing it. Words With Friends is a daily thing for me, too.
A little Ruiner, some Prey, and the ever-present Rocket League.
Mainly Animal Crossing on the iPhone. Some Mario + Rabbids.
I got Mario Maker on 3DS and that’s been really neat. My levels aren’t great and follow no pattern but it’s fun just to see what you can do.
Mostly idlers. A bit of SC2 co-op when friends are online. Thanksgiving MST3K is the best idea, though.
It was a good lineup. Play the news that season 12 is coming to Netflix was awesome to hear!
Haven't watched much of the new seasons yet. I should get on that.
> Haven't watched much of the new seasons yet. I should get on that.
It's a really fun season and does justice by the legendary run of the original show while moving it forward for a new audience.
Super Mario Odyssey for me this weekend. Absolutely stellar so far. I don't think it hits the magic of Galaxy 1 or 2, but that was basically peak Mario. Each game does something unique with how powerups work, and this time they work by taking over the creature you throw your sentient hat companion on. Damn these premises are weird.
The Switch is a nice console too. Everything has that Nintendo production value, much like Apple, where it just feels like everything was manufactured perfectly. And then also just like Apple there are one or two software quirks that have you scratching your head.
Poor Wolfenstein 2 keeps getting backburnered. And Horizon Zero Dawn is shivering in a corner wondering where I've gone.
Mario Galaxy was really a special game. Might be, story wise, one of Nintendo’s best.
Travis, if you are looking for a switch friend, my code is: SW-3340-4301-0747
I legitimately didn't know there was a place for Switch friends :D
I'll get on that!
Mine is SW-2203-2113-5548 for any other Switchers