Lucasfilm released a new Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer yesterday to a warm reception. I’d say compared to the first Super Bowl trailer this one seems more like the kind of movie I expected. Still going to watch this opening day and it looks like all the hard work to fix the movie after the original directors left the project has paid off, with a great trailer.
I know many were hazy on watching this, I wonder if this trailer has changed you mind in any direction?
I know many were hazy on watching this, I wonder if this trailer has changed you mind in any direction?

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This trailer does make the movie look better than I expected, but I still think I won't see it in theaters out of principle. After this comes out, half of all Star Wars movies will be prequels. I'm tired of prequels. I don't need anymore origin stories for characters I'm already familiar with. So, I think the trailer did make me interested in seeing this movie at some point, but I don't want to spend (much) money on it (I might see it at small theater after it's been out for a while, or rent it from Redbox).
Also, (this isn't a nitpick, just something funny I heard) but Han's voice occasionally sounded like Bill Hader's voice in the SNL Californians sketches lol ( for reference).
I liked the trailer. I think at this point I have stopped comparing Alden Ehrenreich to Harrison Ford. I am ready to see this.
(I previously posted this, but I deleted it so I could re-word some stuff and add some more)
I don’t even think about the new stuff in the sense of prequel or sequel, really. And I don’t exactly think of this or Rogue One as prequels. Yes, they take place prior to the original trilogy, so they are absolutely prequels in that sense, but they tell the unnecessary parts of the core story. The episodic films are the story of the galaxy and, specifically, the Skywalkers and those around them. But just like all the books and games have done for years, these films just fill in info that is (hopefully) interesting and entertaining but isn’t essential or may not even inform the core series.
I look at it like the Tarkin novel, or Leia, Princess of Alderaan basically. Small one-offs that can take place anywhere and give you some more character building. For me, I'm not watching the anthology films for the story as much as I am the world-building and new lore to add to the complex tapestry that is Star Wars canon.
Now, I gotta say... if you'd asked me which anthology films I would have made, Solo would not have been on my list. It at least seems more interesting than a Boba Fett film. But I'm still very interested to watch this just to add some more depth, however small, to the universe.
But speaking of prequels I would honestly adore a few movies that take place IN the prequel era. Those films are not my favorites of the saga but from what I’ve seen and read, it’s probably my favorite time period and ripe with potential for great stories. A live action siege of Mandalore movie? Oh man. Don’t even get me started.
Travis wants a Jar Jar movie. :)
Hahahaha, no. No JarJar movies please.
> Now, I gotta say... if you'd asked me which anthology films I would have made, Solo would not have been on my list.
Adding some more: I think one of the chief reasons people seem more apathetic about this one is that Han already had his character arc. All the character growth has already happened. The Han in this film will grow from a young hotshot rogue into ... an older hotshot rogue?
That's why I'm less into this than I was Rogue One, and why I'm hoping for some great worldbuilding to replace the character building.
Or hell, just Baby Driver in A Galaxy Far Far Away. :)
> The Han in this film will grow from a young hotshot rogue into ... an older hotshot rogue?
What if he isn't a young hotshot rogue?
I hope I didn't come across as super negative, I do hope it's a good movie and people enjoy it. I hope *I* enjoy it when I get around to seeing it lol.
Hopefully Will has the closest guess, and Han isn't a young hotshot rogue, and you can see what makes him what he becomes :)
I think he is going to start out as an Imperial.
Couple points I wanted to hit.
"I'm tired of prequels. I don't need anymore origin stories for characters I'm already familiar with."
Right. I get that. I'm at a point where what we've got so far (all the new star wars films) have been pretty good to great. I didn't want Rogue One but it's the first prequel I liked and now really like. In fact, I just rewatched it and it surprised me how fun it was watching it again. It's like nearly pure fan service and I love it for that. The cinematography is solid, it's got some grit to it and I really appreciate where it goes and the choices it makes. Not perfect and some parts are really obviously setup for later things, but it's a fun movie and I like it more than I don't.
Now if the Solo movie is that, then i'll be in. I don't need it to be earth shattering or even original. Fun enough is fine for me. Seems like it might be.
I think one reason why we're getting prequels is because the new trilogy isn't finished yet and they might want to wrap that up before new stuff comes out. My guess is that when they signed the Game of Thrones dudes and Rian Johnson for 6 more films all that will be POST Episode 9. In fact, my guess is most of Star Wars after that will be and we might get some other prequel films but the majority will be moving forward. Lucasfilm wants a new movie per year and it's easy to keep the whole STARCU (or whatever) in alignment with prequels and just one new story arc moving forward.
Just an idea, I'm sure i'm wrong.
I've heard what the new story IS in terms of his arc (not specifics just how his character will change) and it sounds interesting. Apparently Lucas and Laurence Kasdan were working on a Han Solo film prior to Lucasfilm being bought and one term of Kasdan helping with Episode VII is he could come back around to make Solo. Fun story and i'm glad it's coming out because it's been a fun movie to talk about and I hope it turns out well and if not, well, lots to talk about when Star Wars movies aren't great too.
Well I dunno about prequels in general, but this film was made because of Kasdan. Solo wasn't a LucasFilm "lets shovel this out" kind of thing. One condition Kasdan had for writing The Force Awakens with JJ was that he'd get to pen a script for a Han Solo origin story.