I’ve been curious how the story of Spider-Man No Way Home would work with Doctor Strange and the multi-verse. After the first trailer dropped I’m no longer wondering how it will work I just want to watch the movie already.
Spider-Man & Doctor Strange will both try and alter reality this winter ONLY in theaters on December 17th.
Spider-Man & Doctor Strange will both try and alter reality this winter ONLY in theaters on December 17th.

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Ok, so, Dr Strange was acting super strange here...
The spell he cast was way too dangerous. Is he incompetent, or is he too full of himself?
Or is he an evil variant of some kind...
OR IS HE MEPHISTO??? Lol, hear me out. Why was the Sanctum frozen? Could it be that the place would burn up in Mephisto's presence? Mephisto made a deal with Peter in the comics (I think it was about Peter's wife? I don't remember). Perhaps this is Peter, unknowingly, making a deal with the devil?
Looks good. I think Agnes is behind strange.
Finally!!! I think the green grenade (I'm sure that was what it was) confirms Green Goblin. That laugh sounds like the previous Green Goblin (the dad, not Harry, the son) from the Toby Maguire Spider-verse, which wouldn't be a surprise. We obviously see Doc Oc and we've been told that Electro is appearing, too.
I'm not sure about the theories Adam and Will_Ball suggested. I'm not sure why Strange would cast that spell either, which does seem a bit suspicious. It is odd that the Sanctum was frozen, maybe we'll get the answer to that, too.
I agree that Dr Strange does act rather…. STRANGE…. 🥁
That said, I am not sure they’d do the same thing they did in the last Spider-Man in the next Spider-Man? It’s possible he may be a more evil variant but that seems very similar to the last Spider-Man too.
Either way, should be a fun ride.
Here are some of my own theories. Buckle up.
Ok so what I think is happening here is that Doctor Strange got a note from Disney chair Alan Horn. The memo was essentially “DOC STRANGE PLEASE MESS UP TIME SUCH THAT WE CAN SELL MORE TOYS AND TIE IN MORE TV SHOWS” and I bet Doctor Strange said no. Then Alan Horn made the writers of No Way Home FREEZE OUT the Sanctum because we all know that Disney NEEDS A MCU Christmas movie and to make Doctor Strange cold such that he changes the timeline to be warm.
Ok so what I think happens next is that Green Goblin comes to the MCU from the Gameboy game but his bombs are green instead of the dot matrix pixel grey. Also, Toby Maguire is obviously in this because if you freeze on the last frame of the trailer where they advertise PS5 controllers in the upper right you can clearly see a white pixel. Since Toby McGuire is white this is clearly one pixel of him as Spider-Man.
LOL Well I did find out that the movie does appear to be at least similar to one of the Spider-Man comics in which Mephisto helps him by making everyone forget who Spider-Man is. This came from watching the New Rockstars reaction to the trailer. Maybe Marvel is just teasing us with Mephisto, maybe he'll show up eventually. Also, how does Doc Oc recognize this Peter Parker? I'm also wondering why Peter was on top of a car and then activates his suit. Wasn't he trying to hide his identity or did he just not care and knew he was heading in to fight someone? I'm wondering what's up w/ the train scene, too, as it seems Spidey is fighting Doctor Strange, or rather Doctor Strange seems to be trying to kill Spidey.
> Also, how does Doc Oc recognize this Peter Parker?
He’s wearing a Spider-Man suit?
> I'm wondering what's up w/ the train scene, too, as it seems Spidey is fighting Doctor Strange, or rather Doctor Strange seems to be trying to kill Spidey.
Slashfilm had a good speculation that when Doctor Strange casts the spell, he also forgets who spider-man is. It would explain why in the trailer he seems to be fighting spider-man.
Then again, maybe spider-man wants out of the MCU so he can start his own universe and it angers Doctor Strange, so he fights him.
>He’s wearing a Spider-Man suit?
Yeah, but just because he's wearing a Spidey suit (and white I should add), doesn't mean he's Peter Parker.
Will_Ball that totally makes sense! When I watched the New Rockstars reaction, they didn't mention it, but seeing it for the second time, I thought, wouldn't Doctor Strange also forget him? So, that makes sense, though I'm kind of not sure why they'd still fight. Maybe they're not fighting, or if they are then there's definitely a reason.
I'm surprised they didn't show Electro, though I heard there was lightning in the original leaked trailer. I'm surprised that instead of Electro they teased Green Goblin. I also think it's interesting to see that Doctor Strange seems to have a major role in this. So, it seems Sony is adopting more of the MCU than I expected. I thought Doctor Strange was just going to make a brief cameo, but it looks like that assumption was wrong.
Ok, I need to point out an error on my part. There was lightning in the trailer, I didn't quite notice or pay attention to it until I watched the New Rockstars trailer breakdown. It appears there's some dust clouds, too, which might mean the return of the Sand Man. The Lizard appears to be there, too, though it's difficult to see him. While the actors have denied it, the fact that we're seeing Spider-Man villains from different universes kind of makes one wonder why couldn't other Spider-Mans appear as well? I have so many questions about this movie now, because of this trailer that I'm probably looking forward to it even more now, because I want to find out the answers.
As much as I'd prefer not to, I may just have to go to the theater to see these movies. Shang-Chi comes out next Friday (not this week, but next week).
But will we see dancing Toby from Spider-Man 3?
Boycot unless dancing Toby shows
It seems a lot of people didn't like that Spider-Man movie, I feel like one of the very few who did. Granted, I haven't seen it in many years and so my memories of it have faded, with few exceptions.
I think it was fine, but had a lot of cringey moments that pulled it down. You could tell Sony was interfering with Raimi’s vision for it so they could force venom into it
I don’t remember 3 all that much. I remember I liked it when it came out.
What to see the BEST trailer ever?! Check it out: https://youtu.be/83N0Bbas3E8
I’d make a new post for this trailer.