I just watched this Retroactive video on Kid Icarus for the NES. Kid Icarus was one of those games I always wanted but never wanted enough to ask for it for my Birthday or Christmas(the only times I could get games as a kid). I had a NES hint book(all text) that explained how to do well at the first few levels of Kid Icarus and I read the text imagining how the game would look and play.
Did you play Kid Icarus or any of the later incarnations?
Did you play Kid Icarus or any of the later incarnations?

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I got it for like a buck at a yard sale when I was a kid. One of my favorites.
Wow. That was a good deal. Did you beat it?
I think I rented this one a bunch, but never owned myself. I remember using cheat codes on it to beat it, I think.
I managed to beat it once. It's so incredibly frustrating at times. Getting turned into an eggplant was one of the most annoying things in any video game I've ever played.