I want to meet up with you all and play Quake Live next Wednesday the 24th @ 6pm PST. Quake Live is a modern port of Quake 3 Arena that is sponsored by iD Software and free to play at http://www.quakelive.com.
See you Wednesday!
See you Wednesday!

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My cousin is extremely into this game. He is really competitive. He played it a heck of a lot. He's pretty interested in the new E-Sport type game Shootmania.
Haven't heard of Shootmania. I'll have to look it up. Interesting, they seem to be promoting the map editor pretty heavy.
I'm installing the stuff necessary for Quake Live now. So weird that at the turn of the century my PC could barely handle Quake 3, but now I'm playing it in a browser.
:D I know it's awesome how things progress.
Still happening? I haven't seen anything about it since this post.
Yep, still on! Ill post something to the main page again to remind folks.