I was exposed to the Black Mesa project a few months ago in frenzy of its initial release. Black Mesa is a fan recreation of the original Half-Life built on top of the amazing Half-Life 2 Source Engine. Since I never quite finished the original Half-Life I decided to give this version a shot and potentially complete the original Half-Life as it stands atop a list of games I need to complete. I loved Half-Life 2 and both episodes so coming back to the franchise is a pretty cool notion.
After booting up the game the visuals look really fresh compared to the original. The original looks good, don't get me wrong but atop the Source engine it looks fantastic. I played about half of the original Half-Life and compared to my memory the game feels like the original. In fact, if you played and loved Half-Life I seriously recommend nabbing Black Mesa and installing it simply to see how well they recreated it.
Check it out, its free and is very very cool.
After booting up the game the visuals look really fresh compared to the original. The original looks good, don't get me wrong but atop the Source engine it looks fantastic. I played about half of the original Half-Life and compared to my memory the game feels like the original. In fact, if you played and loved Half-Life I seriously recommend nabbing Black Mesa and installing it simply to see how well they recreated it.
Check it out, its free and is very very cool.

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Wait, hang on, wait. Did you say you only played half of the original? What are you waiting for? DO IT NOW.
There are a lot of cool easter eggs, so keep you eyes open.
@panickedthumb Yeah, for whatever reason I got busy with University and didn't finish it. I am playing it now and the goal is to finish it for sure.
@panickedthumb Yeah, for whatever reason I got busy with University and didn't finish it. I am playing it now and the goal is to finish it for sure.