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@ 7:00pm PDT
9:00pm PDT
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Diablo III
on Battlenet
Single, strong Barbarian, seeking other Barbarians to wreak havok through Act I of Diablo III. Objective: Bring the Butcher to his demon knees.
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Now all I need to consider is what to call my Barb and if it will be a he or she. Hmmmm.
Something to consider to up the ante. Hardcore!
Oh damn. I don't know. Maybe for the second one, I might die quickly. Then again, we start in normal...
Its up to scrypt its his game. After thinking about it more, its not a bad idea.
Since I'll personally probably never use the character afterward, it would spice it up definitely.
Speaking of which, I'm not sure I'll be able to make it, so I'm leaving my name off. If you don't fill it up I'll try to join in.
I will be here, bringing one more as well (Hi Friday!)
See you in a couple of hours!
Hey Friday!
Nice of you to join us Travis, see you all soon.
That was awesome. Next class? :)
that was super fun! nice to get back into D3. We should do Monk next... o.O
Hahahaha, interesting. All Barbs was hella fun because we absolutely demolished everything.
Monk might be a good idea, never played as one before. Or the Wizard. Or Rogue. Or Demon Hunger.
Actually come to think of it, ive only played as the Barb and Witch Doctor.
The only one I haven't played is WD. Four WD's could be fun. ZOMBIE DOGS EVERYWHERE.
But Jon, Rogue? Did you get early access to an expansion I don't have? :) Or were you suggesting a Diablo 1 night? That could also be quite interesting if there's a way to pull the networking off these days.
4 Monks could tear up the minions of hell. Katie and I have been double monking inferno and it's a blast.
Sorry, I meant Demon Hunter. :D I don't know if I could do the original Diablo, you walk so very slowly.
We should have voice chat going next time. through Steam or Skype or something.
I had the overlay going, does voice work over that?
It should, yeah.
Also, you guys need to get a character to 60 for some fun inferno runs!
Thought I'd try the opposite. :)
I dig the idea, unknown if I can join but doing regular events on certain games is dope fly.
Feel free to suggest other times! I just put it in the same timeslot as the last one, but we can change that.