Hello folks! We're back with another giveaway. This time we are excited to hand out System Shock 2 the classic horror shooter by legendary developer Ken Levine. If you are looking to pick this game up to add it to your Steam collection or are curious about checking out this classic after playing Bioshock we are here to help you out!
We are giving away a copy on Steam Gifts as per usual to drop in one lucky person's Steam account on July 9th. Head over to SteamGifts to enter:
For another chance to win the game, simply comment below. We will choose 9 comments purely at random, assigning a numerical value to each entry and using random.org to determine the winners.
We are doing this contest alongside the awesome people at Night Dive Studios that brought the game to Steam. Please head over and give their Facebook page some love for being so awesome.
We are giving away a copy on Steam Gifts as per usual to drop in one lucky person's Steam account on July 9th. Head over to SteamGifts to enter:
For another chance to win the game, simply comment below. We will choose 9 comments purely at random, assigning a numerical value to each entry and using random.org to determine the winners.
We are doing this contest alongside the awesome people at Night Dive Studios that brought the game to Steam. Please head over and give their Facebook page some love for being so awesome.

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That's a surprisingly creepy graphic at the top of this post, here - I've never had my hands on System Shock 2, but I'm intrigued!
Sweet. I've been meaning to try this game for ages. Here's my comment for a chance to win ;)
Would be great to win this awesome game.
I'll enter for a free game. Sure. Why not? Thanks!
I remember passing up a banged up copy in a store long ago and regretting it ever since. So want this.
I've wanted one. thanks for the chance!
Used to love this game back in the day.
Cool! I finally signed up for an account to enter this, I've been wanting to play SS2 for a while.
I've always wanted to play SS2 :D
I've been interested in trying this ever since Night Dive Studios negotiated the rights. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. :)
System Shock 2 is the bees knees!
Thanks for the giveaway guys!
They've killed my men... and now they've killed me... I'm holding my guts inside of me with both hands. This is bigger than my little life, the lives of my men, and the lives of the people I was forced to kill. Resist! Humanity demands it! Resist!
Awesome, my favourite game of all time! I would love to have a copy of it on Steam! :D
Best game ever
Let's see if luck is with this one.
Look at you, hacker: a pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?
Thanks, I'd love to play it.
Steam username: 999flame.
I heard much of this game but never had the chance to play it, as I got my Pc with age of 20 I already missed many classic games like System Shock 2! So I would be really happy to win a copy here! :3 Thank you for the chance to win such an awesome gem of the past. :3
I'll add my name into the contest. I've never had the chance to play System Shock 2, but i hear good things about it. :)
Hope I win.
There we go, I loved system shock back in the day, spent ages combing over the demo and loved having a full copy, it sadly got damaged a few years ago though and would love this as a replacement.
Thanks . I heard that this game is great .
Indeed it is.
Man, this game sounds awesome. I've always wanted to try it out.
Had this game when it first came out. It was awesome then. I'm sure it's still awesome now. Wish I knew where my original copy went. =/
System Shock is pure awesomeness! So thanks for being awesome and making such a great giveaway!
System Shock 2 looks like a really cool game. Thanks for giving it way!
Thanks to everyone that has entered so far.
PS "Who_Wants_Bagels" is an amazing name :D
Thanks. I appreciate the complement. :)
Thanks for this giveaway :)
thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks! Looks sweet!
I've heard nothing but good things about SS2, so I'm thinking I ought to play it. I can hardly call myself a true gamer without going through the classics first :)
thanks for giving away system shock 2!
I remember how awesome this game was back in the day. Thank you for your generosity!
I have the original CD-ROM version. even to this day, this game is still a masterpiece
Thanks for the giveaway!
one of my favorite old games
Thanks for the giveaway!
I heard this game a lot from Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation. Always wanted to try it and see what it was all about.
Played some of it when it was abandonware but lost that copy. Would love to check it out again!
Definitely would love to finally have the chance to play this classic!
Awesome game. Throw back to the older PC gaming days. Awesome thing you guys are doing and very generous! Don't know much about you guys (your site) but with this giveaway I'm very intrigued and will show you guys the love and respect your giving the community :)
keep up the awesome work!
Ohhh I sooo want to play this one *__* already heard of it maaaany times!
Really good thing, guys, giving away such a lovely (and terrifying?) game. Tbh, I found out this site because of the giveaway, but this might make me want to check more about you guys. (well, I already made an account.. so why not give it a chance? :0 )
Keep it up! :)
Thanks for the giveaway lads. Great game that I've not played in a long time....
I hate to admit it, but I do not own a single copy of this great game. =( I mean, I have played it, but never the whole way through.. So, it would be pretty nice to win one of these. =P
Thanks for the chance! =)
Thank you for the chance to revisit this timeless PC classic. And of all the days, winning it on July 9th would be truly special.
Thank you very much for creating this giveaway. Good luck everyone!
Thanks for the chance!
Yay i want this for more than 10 years.
thank you!
Thank you! hope i win it :)
Thanks for the chance ^^
Yes! Old 'puter with Shock 2 got fried, never got around to going back... such a creepy game.
Never got around to playing system shock, wouldn't mind the chance.
Was really surprised when this was re-released on Steam. In a positive way, of course, since this is a genuine classic; one of the best games of all time.
Thanks a lot for the chance!
A classic! Very difficult too...
I hope i can finally play this :)
Thank you very much for the chance, guys! I've only ever played the first one for a short time, but I've always read System Shock reviews and tales with GREAT interest!
I want this game :)
I would love this game, never tried it before. Thanks for chance guys.
This game looks great. Hope I get a chance to play it.Thanks for the giveaway.
Congrats to the winners!