Trial Chambers seem just like what Minecraft needs which is more dungeoning adventures added to the base game. That said, I'm curious how it will work and...

Released on June 30, 2012 by Mojang AB
Developed by Mojang AB
Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks. At first, people built structures to protect against nocturnal monsters, but as the game grew players worked together to create wonderful, imaginative things.
It can also be about adventuring with friends or watching the sun rise over a blocky ocean. It’s pretty. Brave players battle terrible things in The Nether, which is more scary than pretty. You can also visit a land of mushrooms if it sounds more like your cup of tea.
Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks. At first, people built structures to protect against nocturnal monsters, but as the game grew players worked together to create wonderful, imaginative things.
It can also be about adventuring with friends or watching the sun rise over a blocky ocean. It’s pretty. Brave players battle terrible things in The Nether, which is more scary than pretty. You can also visit a land of mushrooms if it sounds more like your cup of tea.
Awesome! I think I'll be busy playing Diablo IV at the time. I need to wait anyway if I want to play w/ shaders, because those files have to update, too. I might create a new world as I usually do, but I'm thinking about using the seed I last played on.
Are you going to be playing this and Diablo IV, Jon?
> Are you going to be playing this and Diablo IV, Jon?
Most likely I'll play more Minecraft 1.20 with my son. As to Diablo IV, I've considered getting it on PC but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. Hard to say, are you getting Diablo IV at launch?
>Most likely I'll play more Minecraft 1.20 with my son. As to Diablo IV, I've considered getting it on PC but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. Hard to say, are you getting Diablo IV at launch?
I'm glad you'll be enjoying Minecraft w/ him. Me and Vinny didn't play Minecraft together very much at all, but he's the one that got me into it.
I'll get Diablo IV very soon.
Check out the release trailer:
This update, so far, looks like it has a lot of great stuff. I really like the new bamboo block type and with that, will bamboo drop different stuff when you harvest it or can you just craft planks from the current bamboo poles? Either way, the new bamboo stuff is nice.
THAT SAID, I think the killer new feature is Camels. Finley and I explore our worlds with boats (two can fit in a boat) and it's great because you can move around in the water at night or day without being harmed if you can avoid arrows. Having the Camel to explore on land and not take damage is incredible.
Now I just hope it comes out early next year!
Yeah, I wonder how that wood type is going to work out. I don't know how we're supposed to get it. I wonder if they're going to make bamboo trees. That would be cool, I think.
It always makes me smile, reading about you and Finley playing Minecraft. It reminds me of how Vinny got me into Minecraft. I was thrilled that my little boy introduced me to an awesome game I may have missed out on if it wasn't for him. I'm so happy you get to have that same experience! 💙
1.20 is looking great! I saw the Cherry Blossom trees and they look beautiful. I haven't looked much into the Sniffer yet. I built a new PC and have tested out Minecraft a bit. I noticed in the 1.20 snapshot that bundles are there, so hopefully they'll make it into the update. I was most disappointed when they were not released when expected. Check out this link:
I want to download
It has been named the "Trails and Tales Update." You can read more about it here:
Really excited to play this with my son. Camels looks like important.
We have so much Bamboo so on day one we'll be all set.
June 7th!
(Dang it Jon, I hope others are looking at this site with a resolution above 1080p. 1440p lets me see two stories on the front page and I always feel guilty when I notice someone's posted right as I'm about to and their post gets bumped down. Clearly this isn't the first time. LOL)
Wow, what an amazing thing I totally forgot about, playing Minecraft with your son! However, in contrast to your experience, my son is the reason I got into Minecraft. Once I started, I was hooked! We haven't played together much, but I did set up a Java server briefly. I don't know if you're aware of this, but the Bedrock version, which is the one all consoles run, is actually playable cross-platform. So, while you're playing on the Switch, I could join with my PC, and my son (now 18!) could join with his PS4 (for example). I haven't played the Bedrock version very much, but in my experience it seems to run a lot smoother than the Java version. I got my Windows 10 edition when it was offered for free when it was released for Windows 10.
I'm so happy for you that you've entered the Minecraft world with your son! It's an exciting time! It's a fantastic game for people of all ages. It's one of the few games I can think of that actually brings very many people together. As you probably know, it's extremely popular and you know they're still adding content. The next update will include mangrove forest, frogs, and more.
Frogs? Can’t wait!
I also didn’t know that all bedrock versions are compatible, that’s really good to know.
Ya know what's funny? My son got me into Minecraft, now he wants to follow in my footsteps and get into Ark: Survival Evolved since it's on PS Plus right now. LOL
That’s awesome. I hope he loves it!
Liam loves minecraft, but will only play it with Joi at this point in time. If I offer to play, I get a “no thanks.” 🤣
Doesn’t like the way you build?
He finds me boring. 🤣
How so?
I probably don't play right.
Hey guys. I just learned that the release date for 1.19 is June 7th. Here's an article if you want to read more about it:
My son fired up the early 1.19 snapshot release. He is loving it.
Awesome! How old is he? High school graduation for mine (18) is next Saturday assuming he gets his work turned in on time.
Paul Soares, Jr. has a 1.18 playthrough on YouTube I've continued watching. It's making me want to jump in. I may check out the latest snapshot after I see what's on xismavoid's channel. It's been about a couple of months since I last played and I'm worried I'll tire of it quickly.
Wow, yeah Minecraft kids are smart! They know how to get the beta content.
We haven't found the village around us yet. Wish we could but I think it may be far away.
That said, I wonder if you need to spawn a new world to get this cave content after the patch drops? That said, it looks to add a lot more variety to the game by those undercave biomes. Getting closer to Terraria a bit at a time.
If you have "cheats enabled" on the world, you could use the "/locate" command to find a village and /tp there. I haven't used that command, but I keep /tp coordinates in a document so I can just /tp to where I want to go. Minecraft commands:
Yeah, Minecraft is seeming more like Terraria now, that's a good observation. I think this is great, because the underground is getting variety that we've only seen above ground until recently. Speaking of Terraria, did you know there's a Terraria update coming?
As far as I understand it, you don't need to spawn a new world to get the new content for each update, you need to explore areas you haven't yet discovered. I'm sure I've heard or read that the devs have taken extra care to make sure that updates don't destroy worlds that already exist. The C&C Update extended the height and depth of the world border so they had to take extra care to make sure they didn't break existing worlds.
Here's a bit more detail: Minecraft worlds are made up of chunks. They are invisible (though you can make them visible) and they contain everything. "A chunk in Minecraft is a procedurally generated 16 x 16 segment of the world that extends all the way down to the" bottom of the world and all the way to the top of the world. (IGN quote) As you explore, new chunks in the world are created. If you started your world with 1.8 then all of the chunks that have been created by exploring are 1.8 chunks. If you want to see the new content you have to explore further into your world so that it will create new chunks, which contain 1.9 content if that's what you're playing after the update.
IGN "How big is a chunk" (gave me an answer I was looking for):
FYI Minecraft Java and Bedrock editions are being bundled together on PC. Players who own either version will receive the other for free in a new update coming. The brief article I just read is worth reading. It helps briefly give you an idea about why there are these two different versions of Minecraft and which is run by different platforms.
I bought my Minecraft codes (one for me and one for Vinny) at Wal-Mart many years ago. When they released it for Windows 10, they gave it away for free to those of us that already owned the Java version. So, that's how I have both versions (and this update will be insignificant to me).
I saw that. Does the PC version entitle you to an XBox version now? I hope that's part of this update, it's strange it hasn't worked like that before.
Yes, but it isn't called "an XBox version." There are two main versions of Minecraft; Java and Bedrock Edition. When I heard about why bundles aren't in the game yet, I was reminded that there is a third version called Pocket Edition. I thought they got rid of it, but it's the one used on tablets and similar touch devices. I used it on the Kindle Fire I had.
The Java Edition is only on PC, because it was originally written in Java, which is incompatible w/ pretty much everything else. So, they created the Bedrock Edition, which is written in C++.
"Parity!" Thanks, you just helped me remember the right term I was trying to use in my Wild Update post (now corrected). I thought it was "polarity," but knew it didn't sound right. LOL! Parity is something the devs are taking very seriously. They want to make sure that every version of Minecraft contains the same content so that there are few if any differences in gameplay.
I'd say each version has it's own unique thing about it. Java is the one with mod support, while Bedrock is the one that has access to the Marketplace.
Both versions and Minecraft Dungeons used to have separate launchers, but they all now use the same one. Currently the Bedrock Edition is listed in the launcher as "Minecraft for Windows," but that's only calling it a different name. I don't know why it doesn't just say "Bedrock Edition."
I like both versions, but Bedrock does seem to look a bit nicer and run a bit smoother. I've been avoiding it since I discovered a nasty bug that AFAIK hasn't been resolved. I (and others) noticed Villagers disappearing, which apparently happens due to chunk borders.
Are you aware of Minecraft RTX? That's a Bedrock Edition exclusive, too.
I have played around with rtx. It is cool. Not much more to say about it.
My son flipped out about 1.19 officially releasing. We just built him his first pc for 5th grade graduation and it was available the day his PC was done. Great timing!
Wow that's awesome and congrat's on the graduation. Vinny graduated high school almost a full week ago. I don't know if he's played it, but I did tell him about it and the Ark update coming in a couple days. I checked out the snapshot, but Diablo Immortal is the game keeping me occupied these days (and I'm loving it!).
It's nice to see he's so enthusiastic. I shared a video by xisumavoid where he was talking about how he's seeing so much negativity towards this update and he explained why that could be (really, expectations not being tempered). I can't wait to get an Allay, though I'm worried I'll lose it since I "/tp" so much. Sorry, I'm repeating myself from my post. LOL
How was the RTX? What GPU are you using? I wish I had a good RTX. Luckily, I've decided I actually don't want a 3090Ti. That thing requires extra power connections and a powerful PSU. It's also big and while I read that it has good thermals, it makes everything else hot. I don't have $2,000 anyway. I'm still happy w/ my 3 year old 1660Ti XC Gaming GPU (which I bought a 10 year warranty for), but RTX is something I'd love to be able to do.
I still want a better GPU for Ark, even though I haven't been playing it as much. There's a new map in a couple days though so I'll probably jump back in soon. Some maps (especially Genesis Part 2) still perform horribly. Although the first map runs really well most of the time.
I got a new monitor at the end of last year, though. Now I'm running 1440p@165hz. I like it, I can even get games to do 2K, but that extra resolution has an impact and I'm not sure the better quality is very noticeable. I haven't played much Ark with it yet, but when I did try it out, it kind of seemed crisper.
I have a 2070. Rtx was cool, I guess. I am to the point where graphics don’t wow me as much as they used to.
I'm jealous, but this is interesting. As recent as last year I think, I looked up how much Amazon still listed my GPU, which I bought from them (2019). It was listed double what I paid for it. Now it looks like that's the price of your GPU, which is more reasonable than the $1,000+. I believe we did finally get a break with outrageous GPU prices in recent months. My previous GPU was a 980Ti and about about the price of yours, but this one was half that and better (of course it's newer). The one I had before that was a GTX690. It was a $1,000 card, I got in an Alienware and was a major disappointment. I wanted it so bad, but I came to learn how ignorant I was about it.
I think I'm reaching your point, too, actually. I still want a better GPU, because I want steady performance. I want to be able to have beauty like RTX. I've been pretty satisfied with most games and don't have much trouble running on "High" settings, but Ark could still benefit from new hardware.
What kind of monitor? Or what res and refresh rate are you playing with and how's your FPS?
Yeah, I was shocked to see how much my card is still going for. I ended up doing a 3050 for my son. It was reasonably priced.
I have a 1080 monitor. I don’t really know my refresh rate and fps. As long as the fps doesn’t stutter, I am happy. 30fps is all you need. 🤣
1080p is still the great standard IMO. As for me, I want a constant 60 and not much lower. Anything much less than that seems noticeable and I don't like it. Some games are really good at 30 and unnoticeable. 30 isn't good enough for Ark, though, not for me.
The Dell monitor I got with my Alienware served me by being my monitor for two PCs. It still works and is perfectly fine, but I wanted to experience this new tech. I wanted to see what a higher res and refresh rate would look like. I also wanted GSync. Honestly, I'm not sure I'm seeing much of a difference. It's hard to tell. I'm happy with what I have now, so I guess that's what matters most.
The GPU is perhaps the one piece of hardware I always wish I could afford to upgrade. LOL I'm not quite where I want to be, but this GPU of mine seems to be still very good even at about $300-400 and being about 3 years old.
You stating that you're at the point where graphics don't wow you as much reminds me of Moore's Law.
I tend to play console games more. I do have a 4K/120Hz tv for that. To me the jump from 1080 to 4K is not as noticiable as from 480 to 1080.
Cool! My TV is about 12 years old. It helped bring me to HD w/ 1080p@60hz with my PS3. Yeah, that sounds like Moore's Law. Res above 1080 doesn't seem noticeable. 720 seems fine for video, but I don't like much less than that.
FPS above 60 doesn't seem noticeable to me either. <60 is what I notice and don't like. (Although some things are fine at 30. I'm used to seeing that this is a console standard.) I've been able to do 2K w/ this monitor and I'm still not sure of a noticeable difference. I played Monster Hunter Rise this way. It apparently locks the FPS max at 60, maybe it's just something it can't do @ a higher rate.
I'm playing on Ark's new map, finally with my new monitor, at 1440p. At times I see FPS over 30 (at one point I saw it was 31), 40's, and 50's. I don't recall seeing it higher, but it could have been. I haven't been keeping an eye on it the whole time. I want that steady 60 FPS, but don't want to change my resolution or tinker w/ settings once again. What I'm realizing is that 30+FPS is fine and I don't think I'm noticing a difference (between this and 60FPS). I'm not sure if I'm noticing a difference between this res and the 1920X1200 I was using before.
30 fps is all you need. Movies are only 24 fps, and we all like it, so think of it as getting 6 extra frames!
That's a good thing to point out. I thought movies and TV were 30 and yes they are totally fine. Thanks man!
TV is 30 fps. Film is 24 fps.
> 30 fps is all you need. Movies are only 24 fps, and we all like it, so think of it as getting 6 extra frames!
I’d argue the cinematic experience isn’t quite the same as games.
Big reason why is games respond to your input and that effects how they feel. For instance, I bet you’d notice a difference between 30 and 60 and I can sure tell if it’s more than that. For instance 120 fps games on my Series X and TV are really really smooth.
Maybe not everyone can tell, but it’s nice and with movies and such you’re not interacting with it other that watching it.
I'm glad we're having this discussion again (I remember asking what you all thought about it). You make a good point, Jon. We experience them differently.
I'm not use to 120, but I can do 1440p@165. I'm sure I get that in Minecraft (without my favorite shader pack). Other games are more demanding, certainly, so my FPS varies. I can push it to 2K, but I believe 165 drops to 60. I'm just glad I finally got a new monitor so I could expand my 1080p@60 experience. I'm still unsure about it. I'm not sure I've figured out HDR either and I'm not sure I like it. I've read complaints that Windows 10 HDR wasn't implemented well.
I actually can’t tell the difference between 30/60/120. It is bliss.
What resolution do you use while playing normally or most of the time (for games in general)? I'm playing Jurassic World Evolution 2 now (new DLC) at 1440p on some high or very high settings. I'm getting about 30+ FPS and I'm happy with it. 2K wasn't as acceptable. I'm not sure I notice the higher resolutions anyway, unless things get smaller (like text). I think I care more about the flashier side of it all and getting as much performance as I can. I don't like having to make sacrifices, but it's usually manageable. I believe I know Jon's playing with 4K on his XBox.
4K or 1080p. If frame rate fluctuates I will notice that, but if it is steady, I won’t notice.
I believe Jon mentioned this. I'm not sure how I learned about it, probably GameSpot news that I read daily. Anyway there's an announce trailer for Minecraft Legends. I like the "cinematic footage," but I'm not so sure about the "pre-release gameplay." I was happy to see two Allay, one blue. I love them, even though I haven't played w/ them yet. You can see the trailer here ( I might have more details later.
I hope they have a lot more details later because I’m not entirely sure what the game is.
My son wants it though 🤣
My son and I watched this. He is very excited. He loves 1.17 and can't wait for 1.18.
This stream got him interested in making his own textures, so he has started making his own texture pack.
Oh well now that's very impressive! I haven't messed with resource or texture packs, except I did find a resource pack that removes the vignette effect.
I mentioned this in the post, but I wanted to make sure to bring these things to your attention.
Don't forget to migrate your Minecraft accounts to Microsoft accounts. If you need help feel free to ask (it can be more complicated than it should). Otherwise check out this link:
I just edited this post adding the link. Once you accomplish this and get logged into the site, you can go to the "skins" part of your profile, scroll to the bottom, and select your new Migrators Cape. This only applies to Java Edition. I also noted in this post that xisumavoid mentioned Minecraft on the PC XBox Game Pass which will give Java players access to the Bedrock Edition (Windows 10 & console) and vice versa. Also note that the Bedrock Edition is cross-platform, so no matter if your playing on PC or a console, you can still play with your friends on a different platform.
Glad to hear it, Jon! Enjoy your new cape!
My son will be excited! He is disappointed that the release got broken up, but at least this is something.
Yeah, I understand. Waiting for something isn't fun, especially if you're really looking forward to it, but when the time arrives, you forget about the wait and (at least try to) enjoy what you have. Sadly, I feel like often we wait much longer than the time we spend actually playing and enjoying something. I've noticed this multiple times.
Since this post is recent and I just found something new, I thought I'd share what I just found here instead of making a new post.
Here's a new video featuring a couple members of Mojang answering questions about both parts of the Caves & Cliffs Update:
There are some interesting things to point out. I said in my post that I began to think like some others that I think I'd prefer them to just release everything at once, even if it meant waiting the rest of the year for it. However, I believe they gave a good reason for not doing so. It helps them focus. So, they can finish parts and release them and adjust them with community feedback, but having finished some parts allows them to focus on finishing the rest.
Since world generation is changing in part two, including adjustment how high and deep worlds are, and that Mojang doesn't want to do something that destroys things you've already built, the world generation from old to new is going to feature "blending." This means that where you've already been is going to remain the same, but what you've only seen, but not where you've actually been, and new chunks will have the new world generation. This includes very tall mountains and deeper caves with new biomes.
Another interesting tidbit is that Agnes said they already have a plan for the post Caves & Cliffs Update for Minecraft, which they will announce at Minecraft Live 2021.
The Caves & Cliffs Updates will be released for all platforms at the same time.
Feel free to let me know what you think about this.
Caves & Cliffs update part 1 is out now with a funny trailer (mostly goats head butting every one):
Here's the article I found that in along with some details of what's in the update (some of which I wasn't sure about):
Caves & Cliffs Update 2 comes out 11/30. It contains the rest of the C&C update which consists mostly of the expansion of the world height (it gets much higher and lower). Additional cave features (and bigger mountains) are in it, too. There are parts that were originally announced for the C&C update, but they're going in a future update instead. I was most disappointed that they removed pouches. Those are great items that let you store up to 64 items per inventory slot. I think they would be an awesome addition.
I just want more people to join us on Pi-- that seems like a responsible way to crypto, as any resource intensive mining is way bad for the environment.
I agree, Pi is going to become a fantastic tool! You should post your invite here!
I feel like a lot of cyrpto gets a bad environmental rap because of the two behemoths of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Bitcoin seems like it'll always been bad for the environment, as it does use *a lot* of electricity to power the blockchain. And Ethereum is similar, but it's in the process of changing from Proof of Work (what Bitcoin is) to Proof of Stake, which requires much less energy. Many other cyrptos are already Proof of Stake and aren't the drain on the environment that Bitcoin and Ethereum (currently) are 🙂
That’s a really good idea Adam!
And seriously this isn’t some scam thing and it seems private and secure, and if you know me you know I’m big on that stuff.
I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 10 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (tnewman) as your invitation code.
I'm in Pi too, and it's worth checking out. There are around 15 million users of it already! Currently the Pi token has no value, but later this year the Pi Mainnet will be launching, and then the Pi that we've been mining on our phones will have value. So jump in now and start earning some Pi!
I will have to look into Pi. Kevin Smith is getting into NFTs:
NFTs are super interesting! Right now there's a lot of negative news about the environmental impact of NFTs, since most are on the Ethereum blockchain, but it's still an interesting concept. I have a few NFTs through NBA Top Shot myself :)
I get the token part of NFTs, I don't get the art side of NFTs... Seems very transient and easily reproduced.
Yeah I really don't get NFTs. I mean I get the tech, but not why anyone would want one. They seem to be a way to say "sure, this is digital and easily reproducible, and you may have a copy of it yourself, but I have a blockchain certificate showing that I paid for it"
I could see it working for something like digital Magic the Gathering cards or something. But then, if you're playing Magic online you're playing through their servers, so there's already a way to track it.
Agreed with both of you. I don't get NFTs either, but they're interesting lol
There was such a massive interest in this, the server couldn't handle it, so they've postponed the game to May 8, at 9am PT 😀
**update update**
They're stress testing the game, and the event is postponed TBD
Question: I haven’t been to hip to the latest with Minecraft for a bit now but I’m wondering what version these new features come to? Is it the Java Classic version or the modern multi port version? Or do they update both versions together?
Both. Actually I heard or read months ago that this update would be on both editions (Java and Bedrock) at the same time. I can't remember the term I've heard or read for this, but pretty much it's like parallel or something, they keep both editions updated with the same things, at least pretty much at the same time. Bedrock Edition covers Windows 10, XBox (presumably One and now Series X), PS4/5, and Switch. Also there is cross-platform play on the Bedrock Editions, so a PS user could play together with Xbox, Windows, and Switch users. Vinny has it on the PS4 and I have it on Windows 10, we could play together, but I haven't yet. Minecraft Dungeons is the same. There are differences between the Bedrock and Java Edition. I could get into that if you want, too. Basically Bedrock doesn't have the mod support, but it seems to look and perform better. It does have additional things, some of which are free (if you already own the game) like Minecraft RTX, and some you have to pay for, like a world or something (I remember there being one of these of Nintendo/Super Mario Land or whatever on the Wii U, but that's just an example I can remember at the moment). "The more you know...." LOL
Bedrock also covers the mobile versions. I'm definitely glad to see that rewritten in a less hungry language than Java but the flexibility is definitely better with Java. And if you know what you're doing you can get some of those paid things from Bedrock for free in the java version 👀
I forgot about the mobile versions, but I do know older platforms no longer get these updates, such as the Wii U version. At least, I'm pretty sure that's right from what I last read years ago. I wasn't sure if I was clear enough on the paid things, so I'm glad Travis understood what I meant. :)
My son is excited. The wait is too long for him though. 😄
I know the feeling!
He even got me back into it. :)
Awesome! I haven't played in a while. I watched some videos about the Nether Update, but didn't really play, maybe I should get back into it. I didn't enjoy Minecraft Dungeons as much as I thought I would, maybe I need to try again. LOL
This update looks great. Minecraft has always been visually incredible, this really seems to add to that and give players more things to do.
There's a new video about it that I haven't finished watching yet: Apparently there are going to be "tons" of cave variations. It does look great. I wish I had a RTX 3080 though, I'm sure it'd (the RTX vrersion) shine w/ that GPU. It's been stated that this update will come to all platforms at the same time.
Someday RTX will be everywhere. Until then we dream. 🤣