General Discussion

Released on February 28, 2012 by Cheerful Ghost

Developed by Cheerful Ghost

The place for conversation that doesn't make sense to talk about in any specific game in our list. Think of General Discussion as a "catch all" for conversations about gaming, game culture or anything else worth sharing.

It's been a dream for decades, but it's now a reality: a live-action Star Wars TV series, The Mandalorian. In this episode, we discuss the first three episodes, how we see the series progressing, and how The Mandalorian might play into other Star Wars properties.

I jut found a cool video on a YouTube channel I'm subscribed to and thought I'd share it here. This video is from the channel Bright Side, which often features fascinating general knowledge. If you like learning new things, you should check it out.

Most of this video doesn't surprise me, but I have a couple of comments I wanted to make about it. I think video games are in part a distraction, a way to reduce stress. However, I find that sometimes video games can be incredibly frustrating. They can also help you concentrate, but I've noticed that they don't always completely occupy my mind. I think this often happens when I'm quite familiar with a game and no longer have... Read All

Why do we play games? Game Informer has a great video explaining how games meet some of our psychological needs as psychologists and sociologists continue to study the affects of games on us. Check out the embedded video!

This is a very good question! I feel like it's entertainment. Some people watch TV, I play video games instead. Without video games, I feel lost actually. Playing video games is a bit of a hobby or occupation for me. I can agree with what's said in the video. However, I think there are other pieces that weren't mentioned. I think some people want to feel powerful or challenged. I don't like to be challenged at all, but I do like the feeling of... Read All

It's that time of year, folks. The scent of pumpkin spice is in the air. So we thought, what better time to try out all the pumpkin spice flavored things we could get our hands on and review them live? What could go wrong? Come experience the flavor of the season with us in this special episode!
Analogue, creators of various retro goodness, have announced their next offering: the Analogue Pocket.

Out of the box, the Analogue Pocket can play all the original run of Gameboy and Gameboy Color games, and has an audio sequencer as well.

With some adapters, you can also play other handheld titles from the Game Gear, Neo Geo Pocket, and Atari Lynx.

Taking a note from the PSP and the Nintendo Switch, you'll also be able to buy a separate dock that connects to your TV and USB/Bluetooth controllers for playing your portable games in a non-portable fashion, if that's your thing.

This isn't a portable emulator-- Analogue have engineered their own chips to play these games.... Read All

Night of the Living Dead legendary film maker George Romero's first film that create the entire Zombie horror genre. Night of the Living Dead is a black and white film from 1968 that hold's up today as a "bottle" horror film in that it all takes place in a farmhouse. Night of the Living Dead would inspire Romero to create the Night of the Living Dead series including the incredible Day of the Dead.

The original copyright holder didn't renew Night of the Living Dead so it fell into public domain allowing it to be put on YouTube for free and included on Cheerful Ghost for your viewing pleasure. Night of the Living dead has some pretty campy effects but i'd argue the film... Read All

We love to check in every month or so about what we've been playing and watching. It had been a while, though, so we devoted almost the entire episode to it! And we check in on Jon's playthrough of Link's Awakening on the Switch to see how he liked the end.

The Sega Genesis Mini has been out for a few days, and I've put in some time with it. I'm impressed. This is not a cheap AtGames device that will languish in the bottom of some drawer. This is a solid device with damn fine emulation, and a feature set to compete with the current trend of minis.

Just looking at the Genesis Mini itself tells you a lot about the care that went into the production. The expansion port cover comes off and the headphone volume slider slides, just like on the original. This serves no functional purpose, but it's meticulous little details that show that Sega is taking this seriously, even if they aren't taking themselves serious in the process... Read All

In this episode of Cheerful Ghost Radio, we're visiting

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As we review Netflix's Stranger Things 3!
We want you to be able to listen to Cheerful Ghost Radio on whichever platform you choose, so today we're happy to share that Cheerful Ghost Radio is now on Spotify!

Spotify used to have a more curated podcast section and was a bit exclusive, but they are trying to make Spotify the go-to for podcast listening and have changed things up. We're happy to add Spotify to our growing list of services. It's one more step on our path to WORLD DOMINATI.... I mean one more way to make our listeners happy! Yep, that's what I meant.

Have a listen at the link below, and as always, let us know if your favorite podcast source doesn't have Cheerful Ghost Radio and we will work to get... Read All