Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty: Got this soundtrack from the collectors edition bundle of Starcraft 2. I am not sure I love all the ways they mesh typical orchestral faire that moves to guitar that then moves to synth though. They do this in a few songs and I think they should just pick on motif and stick with it. Moving around that much in one song is jarring.
That said, its a great score and a few times I can hear people breathing in the orchestra so the mics at Skywalker Sound really hot that day.
The Binding of Issac: The score came with the steam game if I gave them like $2 extra. The score is really...

The Binding of Issac looks creepy as hell. Dude. I had never heard of the game until you posted this.
And Portal 2 has one of the best soundtracks I have heard recently.
The Binding of Issac really is. Ill write about it soon. I purchased it because I heard it was related to the same bible story in a interesting way. Anyways, save it for the write up. :)