General Discussion

Released on February 28, 2012 by Cheerful Ghost

Developed by Cheerful Ghost

The place for conversation that doesn't make sense to talk about in any specific game in our list. Think of General Discussion as a "catch all" for conversations about gaming, game culture or anything else worth sharing.
Check out this cool article on The New York Times called "Just One More Game ...
Angry Birds, Farmville and Other Hyperaddictive ‘Stupid Games'

Yeah ok the name isn't great, but its an interesting article. Also interesting is the HTML5 game on the page. Play it. Its a very fun idea.

PS I love silly and addictive games, they are awesome.

EA was just voted the worst company in America by the Consumerist. Way to go EA! You're so bad people actually hate you more than the cable companies and banks.

Next Gen Console Rumors Are Depressing.

Seriously, they are.

"The bad news is that the PS4 will not be able to play PS3 games, so users might want to consider selling their games, or trading them in."

and this gem:

"Rumors are circulating that the next generation PlayStation and Xbox consoles will also block people from being able to play used games.

Some news isn't too bad, like the Playstation 4 releasing before the "NextBox 720":

Nintendo has mentioned what the Wii U will be backwards compatible with Wii games and Wii... Read All

Google Maps 8-Bit! This is both hilarious and rad. (Blow on the cartridge!)

Even though I have never played this game, I am waiting for my mom to let me get it. I have heard a little from my brother, friends, and other family. I am looking forward to playing this game. I am not so sure that I know what it is all about, will you help me discover what happens in the game? all I know is that you have to dig a hole and cover your self by the first night or these creeper guys come and kill you, is that true?

Wondered a bit how everyone's game habits have changed over time. Lately ive noticed that time is harder to come by so my game habits have migrated quite a bit to mobile games.

Just a few years ago I could spend a few hours here and there playing any ol game. Weekends were pretty lean, so I easily delved into Fallout 3, Halflife 2 and every expansion. I played through many other games as well and some weekends I could knock out 6 hours or more. Finding that lately having that kind of game time has evaporated due to being busy with this or that.

I told myself that I wouldn't sink money into iPhone games. I just don't generally find them more fun than console or PC games.... Read All

The State of the Ghost 1.0

If people like these kinds of posts, ill keep them semi-regular and to the point about Cheerful Ghost and what direction the site is headed.

Ill try to keep this as brief as I am able :)

A month++ ago I launched Cheerful Ghost to my friends. People seemed to think it had potential and as I listened to your feedback I made improvements to make the site awesome. Based on our small but absolutely dedicated following I can now say that this is the most fun Ive had in gaming in years. Seeing what you guys play and having meaningful dialogs on those games is magical. I wasn't sure it was possible to be part of a community that can rise above the... Read All
Play this now. It'll take you about 20 min. to beat, and oh boy is it worth it:

Hey all.

Trying out Google Ads on the site, let me know what you think.

I want them to be available yet not annoying. I hope Google can provide them such that they are beneficial to you.

Love to hear your thoughts.
Ive been seeing reports that Valve may release a "Steam Box" to compete with Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft in the console market.

The picture above is from a patent application filed by Valve last year for a "game controller having user swappable control components."

"Apparently meetings were held during CES to demo a hand-built version of the device to potential partners. We're told that the basic specs of the Steam Box include a Core i7 CPU, 8GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA GPU. The devices will be able to run any standard PC titles, and will also allow for rival gaming services (like EA's Origin) to be loaded up."

Some more interesting bits from The Verge:

"Part of the goal of... Read All