General Discussion

Released on February 28, 2012 by Cheerful Ghost

Developed by Cheerful Ghost

The place for conversation that doesn't make sense to talk about in any specific game in our list. Think of General Discussion as a "catch all" for conversations about gaming, game culture or anything else worth sharing.
State of The Ghost: 2.0

A semi regular list of things happening on Cheerful Ghost. Served up with an extra dose of rad-sauce.

New Faces on Cheerful Ghost:

In the last few days our community size has increased by 15% and Google tells me that the amount of new users on the site VS people that come back all the time is now a 50/50 split. That means for every two people that come to Cheerful Ghost one of them has never come to the site before.

I recently added a new feature to the site to help bring more people to the community as well. On the main home screen there is a button "Invite Your Friends" that you can use to easily send invitations to join Cheerful Ghost. I upped... Read All
Elder Scrolls MMO Details (not completely sure how reliable this is, but it's been linked to on some major sites).


Honestly... disappointed. This looks like every other MMO we've ever seen, which isn't all bad, but it certainly isn't going to pull me in.

The latest Indie Royale dropped today and has some interesting titles.

It has:
* Dungeon Defenders (I've been meaning to try)
* Containment: The Zombie Puzzler (looks like an interesting puzzle game)
* Data Jammers: Fast Forward (very stylized racer)
* Brainpipe - A Plunge to Unhumanity (ambient, visual treat action game)
* Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space (hybrid science fiction space adventure and strategy game)

Well, it has happened. Bethesda has announced the Elder Scrolls MMO.

It has been rumored for months (years?) now, but we finally have confirmation.

It will be set 1000 years before the events of Skyrim, where Molag Bal is attempting to swallow up Tamriel into his plane of Oblivion. Looks interesting so far.
Just bought tickets to Pax Prime this year. Very excited.

**EDIT** Looks like the sold out 15 minutes after I bought my tickets. They have some single day ticket still available.

Interesting compilation of video game footage set to an instrumental piece. I find it strangely emotion provoking, with tones of loss, hope, and sweet struggle... Or maybe I'm just in a mood...

Guys. Holy crap. It's not like this is my first foray into Steam. I've been using it for simpler games for ages now, but I'm more into it since I'm playing more "serious" games on it.

But I *just* finally decided to see what pressing shift+tab to access the Steam community did. That thing is badass. You can get a full tabbed browser in your game as you're playing it.

Why had I never checked that out before?
Phoronix has confirmed that Steam is going to be released on Linux:

Direct from the article:
"For those that have doubted the exclusive Phoronix claims for quite a while now that the Steam client and Source Engine are in fact being ported to Linux, the doubts can be nearly laid to rest. Even I began to wonder how long it would take before the clients for their popular games would be publicly released under Linux. However, after confirming the information perhaps a bit too soon, their level of Linux interest is much more clear after spending a day at their offices. A meeting topped off... Read All

If anyone hasn't played Dead Space 1 or 2 (I haven't either), it's really cheap right now on Steam. $10 for both!

I just got a new PC capable of playing at least most of the current games out right now. I tried playing Oblivion (yes, Oblivion) on my old one and it stuttered too much to enjoy. I decided it was time for a change.

So, I'm really out of the loop when it comes to PC games. What have I missed over the past ... almost a decade? The last PC game I really sank a lot of time into was Half-Life 2, if that tells you anything.

I have Deus Ex: Human Revolution waiting for me, I'm going to replay the recent Bethesda games on PC so I can mess with the available mods, and I'm going to finally give Morrowind a fair shot. Anything else I should try?