- Recommended
- New features
- Play with controller or keyboard and mouse
- Benchmark tool included
- Custom soundtrack

Considering how many high profile games have been launched with game breaking bugs in the last year, yeah, take all the time you need Rockstar.
That said, I'm really excited to see heists are finally coming! If anyone on PS3 needs help getting geared up/ready for heists, I'd gladly meet up with you to run through some missions/jobs/races/whatever for fun and profit.
Oddly enough, I don't feel disappointed. I remember how eager I was to get the game on the PS3 and if it kept getting delayed like this, I would have been disappointed. However, I still have it, so if I wanted to play it right now I could. Instead, I've been playing a handful of different games lately, therefore I see this news as giving me more time to play them. That includes the PC version of San Andreas, which I got by pre-ordering the PC version of GTAV. Since I pre-ordered and they're giving me even more in-game cash, I'm going to be rich!!!! One other thing I like about this news (as opposed to other games I'm waiting to get an update for), at least Rockstar is giving us some dates, even if that date keeps changing.
I agree with the sentiment here, i'd rather the developers make the game a great port than toss out some junk. With as long as PC ports can be sold(indefinitely if updated to run on modern systems) it makes more sense to start with a strong port of the game so it has a longer shelf life.
It's kind of sad when PC games like Fallout 3 are having issues when it's not an old game at all.
Well, Fallout 3's issues mostly stem from the fact that there are little inconsistencies between XP/Vista and modern versions of Windows. Once you get those sorted out, the game works far better on PC than it does on either console it was released for.
Yesterday, GTAV for the PC became available for pre-loading for those of us who pre-ordered it. I've never pre-loaded a game before, until now. The game will be available next Tuesday. I think it's interesting to notice that the download is a whopping 59 gigs, which surprised me and makes me think it's the biggest game I've ever seen. I obviously didn't pay much attention to the hard drive space requirements when it said it requires at least 65 gigs. Apparently the PS4 and XBox One versions require 50 gigs. I'm glad to see that those systems seem to have 500 gig hard drives. I'm also happy that my PC has a near 3TB hard drive, so the space requirement for the game isn't a big deal for me. It's just taking a long time to download. I had to pause the download earlier as I noticed it was creating lag in my Diablo III:RoS game play.
I know this game is awesome because I played it on the PS3 and I've noticed how incredibly popular it has become since it's original release. It was, after all, greatly anticipated. I am hoping that the controls on the PC are great. It's been a long time since I played GTAIV on the PC, so I don't recall how well it worked with they keyboard and mouse. I have played San Andreas in recent months, a GTAV pre-order bonus, and I was not impressed with they keyboard and mouse game play. So, I have high hopes for GTAV. I'm also hoping that it will work nicely with the XBox 360 controller I have for my PC, if they keyboard and mouse set up doesn't work as well.
Greg: Keep us updated when you play the PC port. Since I am not going to pick it up at launch I am going to live vicariously through you
Oh and if you buy GTAV on PC box copy it comes with 7 discs! Kind of makes a good case for install media on bluray buy most PCs don't have that.
I will, Jon! I noticed that the retail version contains 7 discs. I thought it would have been on Blu-Ray discs, but it seems to be on DVDs, but you're right, most PCs probably don't have Blu-Ray. I, for one, didn't choose to get a Blu-Ray drive on my PC.
Yeah they're still pretty rare! I'm looking forward to finally playing it on PC but I'm not shelling out another $60 on a game I've already completed and nearly completed a second time. But yeah, I'm totally looking forward to it!
On a side question, with you being on the PC version are you able to join our Cheerful Ghost crew? I don't know if crews are console exclusive.
I'm glad you mentioned that, Tim. It seems that none of the versions of the game are able to work cross-platform, which is a shame because I'd love to join the CG crew. This does tempt me to create a PC version of the crew and hopefully some day you and others will join me. It will probably be a long time before I get into the online aspect of the game, which I barely spent time with on the PS3. I do know that I can bring a copy of my character over, which is great because I like how he turned out (visually). If I find any information about cross-platform online game play, I'll let you know, and I'll try to see if it works or if it ever will.
You can bring over your character, not sure if the crew is movable though.
Yeah I think the crew stays.
Really good interview with folks at Rockstar about the GTAV PC port.
Awesome, I saw a brief bit of that last night on another site. The game will be available tomorrow at 7PM (EST). I'm looking forward to "whoa" moments as I know my PC is going to handle it sweetly, even though I'll miss out on the 4k resolution.
I played very briefly today since I wanted to get in and out so that I could get GeForce Experience to optimize the game for me. What very little of it I played looked simply awesome and that was before GeForce Experience optimized it for me (increasing many of the settings because of my GPU). I don't recall being able to go into first-person mode on the PS3 version, but it's been a long time since I've played it and I only played through it once. Initial movement was done with WASD keys and I noticed that the configuration has a controller option, though I haven't tried that yet. It may be a while before I jump into it deeper due to (in short) time management, game juggling, and other interests. I may report more in the future.
First person is new.
Even while driving, Travis? I played a bit more today. I made it to Franklin's house and saved my game. I'm tempted to try out the controller, I think it might make moving around easier. I obviously haven't played very much, but in what little I did, it seems that they keyboard and mouse controls are definitely much better than GTA: San Andreas. Still, there are a lot of keys usable. For instance, triggering a character's special ability uses the CAPS LOCK key, while switching between characters is the left ALT key.
Today I decided to try out the controller. The one I have is a USB XBox 360 controller that's clear and lights up blue, I bought it specifically for my "new" PC, although I've hardly used it. I thought using a controller with the game would make moving about more fluid and I think I was right. I also thought a controller would simplify the controls, I think I was right again. I was surprised because, after plugging in the controller and starting the game, it recognized the controller instantly and could tell that I was using it, so it displayed the controls for it instead of the keyboard. I did start a new game with it.
The game does look and feel great, although I must admit there were a few times where the game lagged a bit. I know I don't have the best hardware that's currently out there, although my PC is very close. For anyone interested, my PC is an Alienware Aurora-R4 with a 3.7Ghz Intel i7-4820k with 16GB of RAM, and a GTX 690.
I think first person driving controls have always been around. Don't quote me on that though.
Every time I read your PC specs I shake my head(because it's a beefy setup) and want to upgrade my rig. That said, I am not really due for newer horsepower this year. I think i'll just get a steam machine and maybe just drop an SSD in my Desktop to get some more boot speed.
That bit of lag I experienced makes me feel like my PC isn't up to par with the game and is disappointing. Perhaps I should try with a fresh reboot and running fewer programs (I usually have Chrome and Steam up at least). I saw where the game also shined with the latest GPUs (specifically noticed the Geforce one) and an SLI configuration. That nearly tempts me, but I don't think I'll do any upgrading for a while. I'm not even going to think about it until some time after my warranty expires.
After a bit of research ("Googling"), I found out that I'm not the only one who's noticed some frame rate drops at times. Many people with various hardware and various graphics settings have experience this issue. So, it is my thought that it could be an issue with the game. Some people say that the game isn't playable, but that isn't the case for me. It happens sometimes, but not too much where I can't play it.
I ran the in-game benchmark and my PC performed quite well on almost every scene. There was one scene that started slow, but then jumped back up to where it should have been. All other scenes performed quite well, although the game didn't give me a final report.
So, I decided to do some benchmarking on my own and I'm quite impressed with what I found out. I downloaded the 3DMark demo from Steam and ran the 64-bit version of Firestrike, which is for high performance Windows gaming PCs running DirectX11. The report from that benchmark is spectacular! My PC performed better than 93% of all results. Here is a link for the results, I'm hoping you can access it: http://www.3dmark.com/fs/4596441
NVidia released a driver that fixes up some issues for some people. You might want to look and see if this works with your video card, might get you closer to 60FPS with no stuttering.
I was coming here to post this! Those are really meager system requirements. I assume to play it like it was last gen it's pretty easy. but to really crank up the graphics to the way it looks current gen requires some beefy hardware. The good news is that it seems like it will scale, unlike the GTA IV port which wasn't stellar.
=) So, I beat you to a post! Hahaha. I'm not as up-to-date on hardware like I used to be, so I found some of this confusing, to a point. I re-checked my system specs and I'm sure my PC won't have any trouble with the game. I have an Intel Core i7, 16 GB of RAM, and a Geforce 690 (4GB). While my old PC was able to run GTAIV, it seems that it would not run GTAV, even if it wasn't dead. Speaking of GTAIV, I haven't tried playing it on my new PC.
I'm not yet done with Hyrule Warriors, so I'm not too concerned that GTAV won't be out until near the end of March. I feel like I can wait for it. Although, I'm eagerly awaiting for Terraria 1.3 and Starbound to update.
That said, I wonder how the PC version of GTAV might work with GTA: Online. Meaning, I wonder if PC users will be able to play GTAO with PS or XBox users. That would be really cool, but I kind of doubt it will happen.
Your rig will murder this game. You don't have to worry.
Yeah, actually my "rig" seems about double the "recommended specs." I wasn't worried, really, but it pleases me greatly that my PC is still over-powered for an awesome game that's not even out yet. I seriously have no regrets about buying this awesome PC. For what I paid for it, it should be over-powered hopefully for a few years. It's really quiet, too! =)
This looks great. I don't mind Triple A studios releasing on PC later if the port is done properly. Since i'm not a huge GTA fan I may pick this up in some sale or not. Edging to "not" at this point.
That said I am looking forward to Rockstar dropping Read Dead Redemption out as that looks WAY up my alley. I have the GoTY edition on PS3 I just don't play a ton of console games these days and as such haven't started it. Read Dead on PC may be a day one buy for me depending on price.
I think GTAV will be awesome on the PC. It was cool to see the changes that were made for the next-gen consoles (PS4 and XBox One). The article (link) I shared in this post states: "This PC release will bring all the benefits of the most recent PS4 and Xbox One versions. That includes the first-person mode and an expanded soundtrack, and, exclusively for the PC version, native 4K support." So, yeah it's going to be awesome on the PC.
As for Red Dead Redemption, I loved that game. It is sad that it hasn't come to the PC yet. However, I seem to recall seeing something about a sequel coming. Yeah, check out this link: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/rockstar-teases-red-dead-2-explains-gta-5-heist-de/1100-6424277/
Making a game to look great in 4K is a good idea. I have a 2.5/3K monitor and really like playing games that way.
Cool, I don't even know a thing about 4K (or any #K for that matter), except that it seems to be the new HD.
HD is technically anything 720p or higher. I hate all the HD remasters of things, because I've been playing games in HD for 15 years. What they really mean is they made the textures look bigger.
Anyway, 1080p is 1920x1080, and 4k is 3840 x 2160. 4k is just a shorthand for roughly 4 times as many pixels as 1080p
Clarified: I don't hate the HD remasters of games, I quite like them. I hate that they're called HD remasters.
Cool, thanks for the info, Travis. It's crazy how technology is constantly improving, it's hard to keep up sometimes.
Travis: In many cases it's not just making the textures larger they actually increase the texture fidelity too. For instance, if they had to downsample the textures originally so they played well on really old hardware they can add the extra quality and some remasters do this. As far as I see it "HD Remaster" makes sense if they do, in fact, include higher resolution textures optimized for resolutions > 480p.
Plus some older games don't support higher resolutions without some hacking or simply don't work at all. Like Warcraft III, putting it into a standard HD mode stretches the image and looks bad as it was optimized for 4x3 monitors. Looking for some remaster of that to come out and according to Blizz, it will eventually.
Last time I played War 3 it had been patched and supported 1080p without wonky stretching.
Oh right, my monitor is 16x10 not 16x9.
I played quite a bit of GTA Online. I got sick of being run over by random people who thought it was hilarious to not play missions and just troll everyone. It's been holding me back from getting it on PS4 or XBox1.
I just restarted Steam because of an update and I found the following news:
Pre-purchase and get $1,000,000 in-game ($500,000 for Grand Theft Auto V and $500,000 for Grand Theft Auto Online).
Pre-purchase by February 1 and get a bonus $300,000 for Grand Theft Auto Online and a bonus digital download of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on PC.
Grand Theft Auto V for PC will be available for pre-load prior to release."
Are you going to pre-order? I think it's tempting, but I'm not sure if I will.
Actually, I think I probably will pre-order. Here's more info that I read more from Steam:
To reward loyal Grand Theft Auto V fans for playing on PC and experiencing a newer, more detailed version of Los Santos and Blaine County, Rockstar Games has an array of exclusive items specifically for these players returning from PlayStationÂŽ3 and Xbox 360 - with each of them connected to activities designed for them to experience the game's massive world in new and exciting ways. For more info about gaining access to exclusive content for returning players, please visit rockstargames.com/V/bonuscontent.
Existing players on PlayStationÂŽ3, PlayStationÂŽ4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One will be able to transfer their Grand Theft Auto Online characters and progression to PC. For more information, please visit rockstargames.com/gtaonline/charactertransfer"
Oh and if anyone pre-orders the game (as I just did), here's a solution to the issue you will find when installing San Andreas. After pre-ordering the game, Steam will tell you that it wants to install San Andreas. However, if you're running Steam on Windows, you'll find an "invalid platform" error. To fix this issue, go to your Steam Library and click on San Andreas and click the "Install" button. It will work that way.
Sorry for the multiple comments that I could have posted in one or two.
No problem. I don't think i'll pre-order it but those are nice bonuses for people that want to play it day one.
Travis? Are you pre-ordering it?
I already have San Andreas ( and warning, the new updates to San Andreas on PC aren't really great.) but I might still preorder for that cash bonus.
Wait no, it's a full $60 for a game that's been out for a long time with a shiny coat of paint. I want it on PC badly, but not $60 badly. I'll wait for the price drop.
I don't even really care about the in-game cash bonuses. I think it's cool to have San Andreas on the PC now. I played it on the PS3 and liked it, with a couple of exceptions. I HATED the mission called "Supply Lines." Although, I think I did better at it the second time I played it. I also couldn't seem to get 100% gang owned area, I only got 99%. It would be cool to have all of the other GTA games for the PC, especially GTA3. I really loved that game when it came out on the PS2. I spent tons of hours playing it when I was at Radford University. I also later bought it for the original XBox and liked that it could use the music I had stored on my XBox at the time. I can't recall if I was able to use my own music on the PS3 or PC versions of GTAIV. I wonder if San Andreas is like that, too.
You have some good reasons for not pre-ordering, Travis. I have plenty of money in the bank, so I don't mind that it's a $60 game. I think it's worth it, even though that's what I paid for the PS3 version.
Travis, did you play San Andreas or GTAIV with a controller on your PC? If so, did you enjoy it better than using the keyboard?
I played GTAIV with a controller. Never tried it with KB+M. But I played it on PS3 first, so I was used to it.
San Andreas isn't very conducive to playing with a controller, but the first time I played it was back at RU with KB+M and I felt at home with it.
Cool, thanks for the input (no pun intended). I know I played GTAIV a little bit on the PC years ago and I know that I had to have used the KB+M, though I can't recall that experience very much. Now that I have an XBox 360 USB controller for my PC, perhaps I'll give it a try while playing these games.
And yet, still no heists. Sigh....
Would now be a good time to remind everyone we have an official CheerfulGhost GTA V crew? :P http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/cheerful_ghosts
Wow, I don't think I've ever heard El Sondito before. That got annoying REAL fast. Then again, I was fairly unimpressed with the radio stations in GTA this time around, and turned the music volume down all the way pretty early on. I usually play on-line and I'm talking to people on Skype and the music usually just gets in the way.
Awesome! I remember this time last year waiting ever so impatiently for GTAV to come out. That sucks that it won't be on PC until January, but I guess I can wait.
Thanks for the reminder and link, Tim. I have hopefully successfully accepted the crew invite. I haven't played the game in a long time.
Ok, I watched a video comparing the PS3 version to the PS4 version and it looks a lot better. I thought the game looked great on the PS3, but the PS4 version looks even better and I'm glad the video pointed out the differences. Sadly, however, I'm unable to find a comparison between the PS3 (or older console versions) and the PC version. Hopefully, in due time one will be released. It'd also be nice to see how the PC version compares to the new console versions.
What do you guys think? Are you going to get the PC or new console versions? If you don't already have a new console (I don't) are you going to get one for GTA V? I'm thinking I might get the PC version. I still see no need (for me) to get a newer console, although this game could be a good reason to get one. What are your thoughts?
The PC version is coming much later, and it is significantly dependent on what kind of hardware you have. I'd say that (without modding) the PS4 version is probably about what the PC version will look like.
Yeah, it's supposed to be coming out in January, I think Yes, I agree that it would depend on the hardware. I've shared my new specs. and I'm sure it would look great on my new PC. I think I can also agree that the PC version would be similar to the PS4 (or XBox One even).
Are you going to get the new version?
Yes, but not for a while I imagine. I don't want to play through it again but when I decide to (which I'm sure I will) I'll get the new version.
For PC?
For whatever platform I prefer the next time I want to play it :)
Hahaha. Do you have a PS4 or XBox One or want either? I'm interested in the PS4, but don't want to get one yet. While I'm not aware of many games for it, I don't know of any games I want for it, so I guess I'm waiting for something to come out for it that I'll want (like a new Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts). Although getting one for GTA V doesn't seem like a bad idea either. As for the XBox, I'm not at all interested.
I'm not interested in either console right now. If I was pressed to buy a next gen console i'd buy a Wii U. That said, I am still holding out for a reasonably powered Steam Machine. The Alienware Alpha looks interesting but I want to wait a bit until SteamOS is released.
Cool. I bet the Alienware one will be awesome, seeing as how awesome my Alienware PC is. =)
That's the brand of Steam Machine i'd prefer to buy. I might skip the alpha and go to the one with SteamOS on it. Been considering putting together a low cost PC for under the TV too. Not sure which approach is best but i'll doing something next year for a Steam console for sure. So many great options good thing I have time to think about it
"Successfully stealing a commercial jet and landing it in downtown Los Santos, only to bump into a tree which inexplicably caused the jet to blow up, killing us both."
You know, this is the kind of thing that makes GTA fun. The sheer size of it means odd, random bugs are going to get in, and I guess due to the nature of the game, they're almost always more hilarious than annoying.
Some of my favorite moments have definitely been outside of missions and scripted events. I read on reddit about a thing called "cop creeping" where you basically just follow a police car around and watch how the AI behaves. I haven't tried it yet myself, but the stories I read online are really funny. :D
That image is a showcase of some mad photoshop skillZ.
So awesome, I love it :D
Ha ha ha ha. I wanted to post a picture of my character next to his car with a big Cheerful Ghost emblem, but it turns out that it's actually really expensive to put the emblem on your car in the game. So I decided to do this instead, lol.
Oh man, that image. I'm really glad you didn't get a pic of the emblem on your car.
OK, here's a dumb question, but does GTA have different servers based on what system you're on? If I have it on Steam, would I be able to join, or is it PSN only?
@Adym - There are no dumb questions! GTA Online is only for GTAV at the moment, which is scheduled to come out on PC in March. However, I'm guessing that even after the PC release that the servers will still be different for each system.
Invite requested! I have only barely played online so far, but this sounds like an awesome way to get started.
@dynamicInception: And invite accepted! It looks like it takes a little while for the site to acknowledge that I approved your request, but once you show up on the roster I'll promote you to representative. Welcome to the crew!
@Adym: Unfortunately the PSN and Xbox servers are separate. I could be wrong, but I think the crews are kind of cross platform though. I think I can invite Xbox people to the crew, they just won't be able to play with their PSN counter parts. Any GTA Xbox players out there want to help me out by letting me try to recruit them?
I think waiting seems like a good idea too. Many people seem to have had a good experience with it, but my PC isn't quite up to specs with yours. That said, I look forward to picking it up and playing it as max resolution as I can.
As far as the game/story goes this is what we got with the PS3/360 version right? No new content as far as this release goes right? Did they do any DLC for GTAV?
I've done a lot of "research" into the issue I had and how to optimize the game and my video card. In the end, I didn't change very much. I made one change in the Nvidia Control Panel, which was to set that global setting to one display, since that's what I'm using. I also toned down all the settings one notch in the game, which produced good results. Then, I decided to experiment and see if there might have been one setting that messed things up. So far, it seems that having Shadow Quality at High rather than Very High fixes my issue.
As for your question, yes, this is mostly the original game with improved graphics and just a few additions. This version has Self Radio, the radio station that allows you to use your MP3s. It also has the Rockstar Editor, which allows you to record and share game play. As far as I know, the game hasn't received any DLC. Also, while there are no tools for it in the game, people have already created mods. One mod, that I saw, was the Batmobile.
I got all the gold medals in Flight School with Trevor. I did the Stunt Plane Time Trials, but decided getting gold was not important and just more frustrating. I ended up getting silver instead. I also went hunting with him, which is something I didn't do on the PS3. I learned a few things about that. One is to climb on the RV or use the ATV to avoid getting killed by cougars. Another was that in order to save your progress, you need to finish the day of hunting, which is only available during certain hours. I also started doing the Bail Bonds missions, which I didn't do before. So far, I've only done the first and I have looked online for help with that.
You can hunt in the game? That sounds fun. From the look of things it appears pretty involved too.
Yeah, Cletus gets you started on it. On the PS3, I did the intro mission where he shows you how to hunt elk. That's as far as I got with that. On the PC, however, I went to the hunting spot marked on the map. I did pretty good and achieved some good ranks and now have to do some harder things, like get a pic of a coyote and boar together. I also have to kill two elk with one shot, which I've done before, but died during the mission (damn cougars). It's really fun, actually, even though I most definitely do not go hunting in real life. I thought about recording a video because, while I was waiting on time to pass so I could go hunting, I saw a bunch of elk jumping all around the area. A few even died and I don't know if they had run into a cougar or just fell.
I recently learned how amazing Chop is. One time I switched to Franklin and he was playing in a field with Chop. The game tells you how you can throw a ball and get him to retrieve it. It also tells you that if you ride in a vehicle (like a motorcycle) that doesn't have room for him to get in, he'll follow you. Since Franklin had his green motorcycle nearby, I decided to take Chop home, which wasn't far away at all. Once I got there, though, I decided to get in Franklin's white car and let Chop in. This was a time, recently, when I was constantly visiting one of the hospitals (in Strawberry) so I could get a free helicopter. I have purchased the helipad, but still can't afford a helicopter and I need one to get at least one of the spaceship parts. Anyway, I got to the hospital and got out of the car, Chop did so, too. I then climbed the first ladder and Chop some how made it up there, too. I then climbed down, got in the car (because there weren't any helicopters there), and he magically made it off of the roof and inside of the car. Hahaha, I just thought that was funny. I have never tried out the app that let's you play with him on a tablet, but it's something I might try eventually.
I took another look into the "stutter" issue I was having with the game. I checked the Rockstar forum post that I linked in my original post. Someone said that they fixed the same issue by turning off High Resolution Shadows. So, I again had GeForce Experience optimize the game settings for me and when I got in the game I turned off High Resolution Shadows. Now I am running on those optimized settings except for that one I changed and the game runs much more smoothly now. One thing about the many settings in the game is that each has it's cost in VRAM and some seem like you really wouldn't notice a change anyway. That one setting I changed reduced the game's VRAM requirement by about a gig, I think, which is very helpful. The game does show you the VRAM cost of the settings you've chosen and how much your GPU has available. You can, of course, exceed the VRAM limit of your GPU, but doing so may cause the game to run less smoothly as the GPU will have to access your RAM or CPU to process the extra VRAM needed. I read about that some where online. Right now my settings cost about 5GB VRAM and I only have 4GB. Still, as I said, the game is running much more smoothly now. I'm almost done collecting all of the Spaceship Parts. I've also been using the Self Radio.
Funny thing happened recently. I've been grabbing the Scrap Letters lately. On my way to one of them, I ended up driving up a hill or mountain. When I got to the top, I got some air, meaning the car flew a bit above the top. While doing so, I ended up hitting a bird. I laughed, I thought it was funny.
Last night, I finished Story Mode. That was the second time I've seen the credits roll in the game, I had forgotten how long that is! Jumping back in the game, there was one mission for me to do with Trevor (I'm avoiding a spoiler here). After that, I didn't know what to do. I've spent a total of 79 hours in the (PC version) game. I've completed all the races (boat, car, and off-road) with the exception of the stock car races. I did two of those, once with Trevor and once with Franklin. I won different cars each time and I'm sure there are others to win as that check point is not marked as completed (with a green check mark). I'll probably go and finish those. One reason I didn't do that before was because I currently don't have many places to store the trophy cars. With Trevor's win, I stored the car in a garage I bought with him, which has room for at least one more I'm sure. Franklin's home garage currently contains the vehicle you get from collecting all the space ship parts and the one I got from his stock car race win. Michael's home garage contains a police car and maybe one more car.
I did finish Flight School with Trevor and got a gold rank in each, but it was such a pain that I decided I wouldn't do it again. I tried the stunt plane time trials, but again it was such a pain that I decided to just do them for fun and not worry about what rank I got. I think I got silver in all or almost all of them. Otherwise, all the races were rather easy. The stock car race wasn't one of the easy ones, but I didn't mind repeating those to win them.
I also completed the hunting missions with Trevor. Some of the challenges weren't as difficult as I thought. For instance, some of them require that you send him a picture of multiple dead animals. Well, you don't have to include all of them in one shot. You simply take a picture of one, save it, and then take a picture of the next. Once you have taken a picture of all the required animals, send the last to him and they will all be marked as complete.
I think I finished all of the Strangers and Freaks missions, except I realized I didn't do the Epsilon missions (Michael only missions), so that's what I'm working on now. I've thought about replaying all the missions to achieve a gold rank, which requires you to do certain things. I'm not sure if I'll do that, though.
After the Epsilon missions, I'll probably jump into GTA Online by transferring (really copying) my PS3 character to my PC. You can only do this transfer once and I'm fine with that. I spent very little time in GTAO on the PS3. I was very happy with the character I created, so it's great that I don't have to try to re-create him. As I've said before, I think he looks a lot like me.
So does the single player campaign take 79 hours to complete or is that your game time doing other stuff too?
That was how much time I put into the game, which included doing a lot of things. That was a bit after I completed story mode.