One can dream can't he?
Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt
Released on November 1, 1988 by Nintendo
What better way to celebrate Retro Tuesday that with a Super Mario Brothers post it note video? Well, perhaps Shigeru Miyamoto visiting your house and telling you they are making another Zelda game in the style of Link to the Past and releasing the source code for the original Zelda as open source.
One can dream can't he?
One can dream can't he?
To everyone in the United States, Happy 4th of July!
People are awesome.
Ruh roh!
Some people actually created a Super Mario Brothers with portals game. Looks pretty awesome.
Can download it for Windows, Mac and Linux.
From the site:
"Two genre defining games from completely different eras: Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. and Valve's Portal. These two games managed to give Platformers and First-Person Puzzle Games a solid place in the video game world. But what if Nintendo teamed up with Valve and recreated the famous Mario game with Portal gun mechanics?"
Can download it for Windows, Mac and Linux.
From the site:
"Two genre defining games from completely different eras: Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. and Valve's Portal. These two games managed to give Platformers and First-Person Puzzle Games a solid place in the video game world. But what if Nintendo teamed up with Valve and recreated the famous Mario game with Portal gun mechanics?"